We have been digging in Five Ways Pot for quite a while now. All the early work was done to stabilize the long muddy scree slope down what we have called the Tonga Trench (we had named an equally remarkable descending rift in Shep Pot, Leck Fell, the Marianas Trench, so this was the next best name). We have scaffolded and shored nine steps down to the bottom and fixed a diagonal zip-wire along it to enable drag free hauling. All the spoil has been used to build a large imposing wall and tower at the foot of the second leg of the entrance pitch. So great has the quantity removed been that the leg of this pitch has all but been reduced to a single step. The attached photos show Geoff on the two parts of the pitch and then the state of the wall at the end of the dig yesterday. Other snaps show Badlad at the top of Tonga at the hauling stance and the zip-wire engineering, along with shots of JJ, Mick and Duncan on the steps of Tonga.
At the foot of the Tonga Trench is a 5m long low and tight rift crawl into what appears to be the foot of a shaft. Over a metre in diameter, one wall is a teetering heap of mud and cobbles - almost entirely sandstone. Water flows down the Tonga into this space as well as pouring down from above. This is the site of our currents efforts.
I've used up my six snaps - so another post on the way.
At the foot of the Tonga Trench is a 5m long low and tight rift crawl into what appears to be the foot of a shaft. Over a metre in diameter, one wall is a teetering heap of mud and cobbles - almost entirely sandstone. Water flows down the Tonga into this space as well as pouring down from above. This is the site of our currents efforts.
I've used up my six snaps - so another post on the way.