Getting lost to the Allotment


Active member
How easy is it to get lost on the way to the Allotment?

It seems a pretty easy thing to do to me, I'm wanting to go to Juniper Gulf and the suggestion of a map and compass for the return trip in the CNCC guide is a little worrying.

Does anyone please know where there are pictures of the entrance which would simplify things?  I've tried a quick google search and turned up nothing.  :cry:

Ian B.


The Allotment is a notorious spot for getting lost. Usually happens when you exit the cave in the dark and mist. I once lead a trip to Juniper Gulf where we parked at Crumack Farm. Got very lost on the way back and ended up coming down Long Lane in to Clapham. It was years before I was forgiven that one. I know others who have ended up in Horton. These days I would have a map and compass ready for the return trip if there was the remotest chance of coming out in the dark, or mist.



New member
Getting lost on the way isn't a problem, its not too hard to find the allotment during the day.. When you emerge in the dark then that is the point when you were glad you took in the landscape and its features on the way up!
Juniper Gulf is a reasonably sized elongated hole (not easy to spot unless you're very close to it!) and is sat next door to the fenced shaft of Little Juniper (think thats its name?) which is slightly easier to spot.


Been there done that.  :mad:

Infact it was looking for Juniper Gulf also.

Mist was down, vis at about 100m.

Tried following the description from Selected Caves of Britain (printed off description and vague map and took with us in a plastic wallet). Unfortunately, No 1:25000 map or compass. The description makes reference to various paths and tracks. However there are far more paths and tracks in existance that the guide fails to mention. The only concrete thing in the description is a gate with yellow bucket on one of the posts. Nuff said.  ::)

After about an hour, and with no hope of finding the cave we resorted to JB's recently borrowed GPS which we'd stuck in the Darren Drum for no real reason.. JB had no idea how to use it, but in the end, we knew the grid ref from Selected Caves and the GPS told us our position, so by walking north a bit, then east a bit and watching the relative co-ordinates count down. We arrived bang on.

There was no way we would have found it otherwise.

So, on a clear day, a 1:25000 would do I reckon.


GPS every time.

Infact, Ive got one on my xmas list for just that reason. Not having to spend hours wandering round yorkshire trying to find the right gap in the limestone pavement.



Well-known member
Never found it a problem myself, but the gate with the bucket is a big help. A compass would certainly help in the dark and clag on the way back...

If you have trouble, the best bet is to split up and walk away from each other until you are out of contact, then each find a hole to fall in to. This will keep the CRO amused for many hours of hilarity and jolly japes as they play hide and seek with you. The game is best played in the dark and mist while it is sleeting for the best effect :confused:


Brains said:
but the gate with the bucket is a big help.

:-\ so it actually exists then. We never saw it.

I guess if you've been there in clear weather and know the layout of the place then you should be alright.

I've only been there once in the mist. So even on a clear day, I wouldnt recognise the place.

gus horsley

New member
In pre GPS days I did a solo trip up to the Allotment (to do some of the short but interesting caves up there) in the snow in glorious sunshine.  Whilst underground the mist came down and I attempted to just head back in a straight line.  After an hour or so I came across welly tracks crossing mine and wondered who else was up there.  Then I realised they were mine!  I always thought those sort of things happened only in books and films until then.


New member
badger said:
out of interest does any one know why juniper gulf has a closed season

There are two standard reasons for a closed season: the first is to allow fauna to breed unmolested by visitors; the second is to impose a break period in access arrangements to prevent a right of way being established.

I do not know whether either of these applies in this case.


New member
Isn't JG on access land now, though?
Yep, as is Leck Fell that also has a pointless closed season..

There are two standard reasons for a closed season: the first is to allow fauna to breed unmolested by visitors; the second is to impose a break period in access arrangements to prevent a right of way being established.
Neither of which are relevant now, as stu points out its on access land and is (potentialy) open all year for walkers to trample over at will..


Active member
I know this is steadily going off topic - sorry! There is a thread about this already but I think it's worth resurrecting. The BCA has NO info ( :confused:) on it's web site - access page is under construction. I've fired off an email to the CNCC to see what they say. Any responses will be posted on the old access thread.

Anyway... take a map and compass then you won't get lost. South and downhill is always a winner from up there!  :tease:

gus horsley

New member
Going even more off topic (well, it's about the Allotment).  Is there still a park bench at the bottom of Sulber Pot?
ianball11 said:
How easy is it to get lost on the way to the Allotment?

It seems a pretty easy thing to do to me, I'm wanting to go to Juniper Gulf and the suggestion of a map and compass for the return trip in the CNCC guide is a little worrying.

Does anyone please know where there are pictures of the entrance which would simplify things?  I've tried a quick google search and turned up nothing.  :cry:

Ian B.
Come out of hole - get one person to find the stream coming into Juniper Gulf. Now walk in the opposite direction to them until you come to a wall.
If you're going back to Horton turn left. Ignore first stile, cross over second stile and then straight line to Horton apart from the 3 Beecroft fields by the the railway.
If you're going back to Clapham turn right. You come to a gate with a yellow bucket upturned on one post (except it's very faded & now off-white). Do not cross the gate, just keep plodding with the wall on your left until you come to the P5 gate. If you think "I've been here before" then you're walking round the big sheepfold in the SW corner of the Allotment - so turn left. At P5 gate, follow with wall on your left until you reach Bar Pot stile, climb over this and go down to Clapham. If you don't know what the Bar Pot stile looks like - you've led a very sheltered life and probably deserve to die.
If you going back to Crummack - you're a Hero! You have x-ray vision and super-hero powers. Why ask the question in the first place?


Robert Scott said:
Come out of hole - get one person to find the stream coming into Juniper Gulf. Now walk in the opposite direction to them until you come to a wall.
If you're going back to Horton turn left. Ignore first stile, cross over second stile and then straight line to Horton apart from the 3 Beecroft fields by the the railway.
If you're going back to Clapham turn right. You come to a gate with a yellow bucket upturned on one post (except it's very faded & now off-white). Do not cross the gate, just keep plodding with the wall on your left until you come to the P5 gate. If you think "I've been here before" then you're walking round the big sheepfold in the SW corner of the Allotment - so turn left. At P5 gate, follow with wall on your left until you reach Bar Pot stile, climb over this and go down to Clapham. If you don't know what the Bar Pot stile looks like - you've led a very sheltered life and probably deserve to die.
If you going back to Crummack - you're a Hero! You have x-ray vision and super-hero powers. Why ask the question in the first place?

Clear as mud  ;)