Giants Hole access track problem


Well-known member
Mark said:
I think this map actually belongs to me, It was one of several I got from John Clarke who used to be in the BSA at Castleton.

I lent it to John Beck to scan, I think he still has it and this is a scan  (they weren't in very good condition)

If I remember correctly the words say "snow hole, pipe works"

I'm intrigued now - the pencilled notes look like John Mort senior's handwriting but every other Barmaster's map I've ever seen has the names of the major veins neatly inked in - is it perhaps something he did for Eli Simpson? It's also one quarter of a full 25" OS sheet, and the same full sheet does exist in the Barmaster's set now at Chatsworth although that one only has information for Castleton and Bradwell liberties, Peak Forest was being covered by someone else when the map was drawn up.

As for the geol map, I second the tunnel being Old Tor.

Mrs Trellis

Well-known member
bograt said:
BTW, anyone know anything about the 'Entrance to tunnel' at the top of Winnats, marked on this map?

I think it's that short trial next to the road.

The "old mines" label probably refers to the workings on top of Treak Cliff including the top entrance to Old Tor Mine


New member
the hole you all refer to at the entrance to giants hole track is Shaft/mine 42. There used to be several shafts in the vicinity to this. It's ironic that so many people had passed this to go to giants and not realized. I have some photos taken this year, it wasn't a hole but a steep slope. inside was very loose and dangerous on all sides. I was at giants a few weeks ago and disappointed to see it gone, although there was no access allowed. I assumed it had been filled in for safety as several vehicles had hit the wall/fence when coming from sparrowpit, it would only be a matter of time before some drove down it!
Hope that helps!


New member
The shaft, zoom in and see a large tyre dumped, the shaft was very steep the road is to the right of the pic taken 21st april 2014.


Well-known member
It's from "foreside", consider how it would sound when spoken by a lead miner with a broad Peakland accent and you can see how it ended up as "faucet"

Pete K

Well-known member
Please be aware that the road is now physically blocked to traffic at the Peakshill Farm turning.
You can get as far the farm turning from the Winnats end but rubble piles have been created to block the road. You CANNOT access the Peakshill Farm track from Sparrowpit direction and you certainly can't drive through any more.


Well-known member
I'm getting a bit puzzled by that old map, as marked to the west of Boggard Hole (at the collapse site) in the pencilled handwriting is 'Chance', with the rest indecipherable. The other Boggard Hole I know of, on Moss Rake west end near Old Dam Lane, has a Chance Mine immediately to the west too. Is it possible that whoever wrote the notes got something wrong? The other two nearby mines on the map (Whitehall and Found at Last) do tally with the records noted in Chris Heathcote's article on the Peak Forest mining remains:


Has anyone been to Giants the last few days that can tell me what access is like for vehicles from either direction? Cheers.