It's not your fault, forums generally are declining in popularity (partly youngsters don't want to be on the same platform as their parents, or often in the same clubs).
From last year:
Remember when online forums were the big craze? Well, social media has led to them becoming less important. Here's why.
Absolute bollocks. Articles like that are written by people who don't understand that forums are not social media, try to find something useful that was posted 2 years ago on social media. And "youngsters" are not using Facebook, their grandparents are, Discord and Slack are entirely different beasts, as for Apps - fine for tracking and advertising purposes.
I run a fairly large forum and on there, like on here, we see discerning, thoughtful people coming to it after they have discovered what a great resource online forums are, we also see the occasional flounce which we sometimes welcome. There seems to be an obsession with attracting youth but honestly there is a lot to be said for people coming to things with a bit more maturity and experience.
To echo other posters, my thanks, appreciation and respect to
@Pegasus and