• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

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Good ceiling sucking practise?


New member
I’m planning on having a chamber of horrors attempt during summer this year and I’m wondering if anyone has idea of any cave to practise harder ceiling sucks in (low air space). Ideally in Derbyshire, but can be further away as well.
I’m planning on having a chamber of horrors attempt during summer this year and I’m wondering if anyone has idea of any cave to practise harder ceiling sucks in (low air space). Ideally in Derbyshire, but can be further away as well.
A couple of suggestions from the Dales: Poppy Passage in Notts 2 and Woodhouse Way in Lancaster Hole are both classics of the tight duck genre. I’m not sure if they’ll be good practice for CoH, or CoH will be good practice for them 😉
When you do attempt it would you give an update? I’ve been happily deluding myself that it has been gradually rising over the years and is probably now completely sumped, therefore impossible.
The first and only time I went through was in 1981 and it was desperate then. Half the team I was with free dived the first two. As for practice Mud Duck and Gravel Duck in Redhouse are similar but borderline passable at all at the limit and certainly sumped now until probably June :(
A couple of suggestions from the Dales: Poppy Passage in Notts 2 and Woodhouse Way in Lancaster Hole are both classics of the tight duck genre. I’m not sure if they’ll be good practice for CoH, or CoH will be good practice for them 😉
Second vote for poppy passsage. Not tight, but low airspace for a considerable distance. A classic! Don’t forget yer wetsuit hood!
I recall getting 'stuck' with my face down going through the flat out duck to reach Aurora Chamber in Cherry Tree Hole. It's quite wide from what I remember and I'd picked the wrong way through. There's a good long canal/duck in Swarthgill Hole that's not too tight (think part floating in a coffin-sized space with your nose skimming the lid).
The Swarthgill canal is as you say quite long, often full of foam and an incredible peatty colour giving it great atmosphere.
Pity the trip doesn't go beyond it, as it would be an incredible start / end to a day out.
When was the last time anyone did this? Various rumours it's sumped but one of the last big trips I never completed in the Peak.
I'd be interested in hearing more Dales based suggestions for duck practise :) at the moment I've only done the Portcullis & Southgate in Dis, and the duck in Simpsons (which barely counts) and probably some other minor ones that I can't even remember. But I definitely need more practise in harder ducks and ceiling sucking - would ideally like to get that practice in first before doing Woodhouse Way!
I'd be interested in hearing more Dales based suggestions for duck practise :) at the moment I've only done the Portcullis & Southgate in Dis, and the duck in Simpsons (which barely counts) and probably some other minor ones that I can't even remember. But I definitely need more practise in harder ducks and ceiling sucking - would ideally like to get that practice in first before doing Woodhouse Way!
Hallucination Aven? Dowbergill below Gypsum? Near Wallows?
From rusty memory of NC1 I think snorkel cave would be a good contender. It may also have been snurds, snools, or one of the other caves in that area...
Also interested. I love floating around underground.
Dales-wise, Swarthgill is certainly a good suggestion. It's the combination of relatively small and wet that makes it tricky. On a dry day, a trip to Lake Pluto in Ingleborough Cave certainly gives a low airspace experience.

In the Peak our recent Rowter extensions did fit the bill, but water levels have lowered significantly since we first went through. I'd still describe Peak Bleak as a duck though, and Insomnia which follows immediately is a bit of a flat-out struggle in water.
The far end of Whitescar Cave has numerous low airspace sections. For “practice” purposes you could certainly pick some obscure routes that would have you ceiling sucking for reasonable distances, you can also find free dives to practice that are completely unnecessary, its quite an aquatic playground.
I’m planning on having a chamber of horrors attempt during summer this year and I’m wondering if anyone has idea of any cave to practise harder ceiling sucks in (low air space). Ideally in Derbyshire, but can be further away as well.
I've pondered at doing CoH multiple times but after getting further info from people who've done it they say it's horrific.
It'd be an amazing trip going into Giants and exit Oxlow...
Maybe a dive line may be handy to make it three ducks but with a line to pull on into the right direction?
The far end of Whitescar Cave has numerous low airspace sections. For “practice” purposes you could certainly pick some obscure routes that would have you ceiling sucking for reasonable distances, you can also find free dives to practice that are completely unnecessary, its quite an aquatic playground.
Yep I've been to the far end of White Scar, that was fun! Although there was enough airspace when we went to tilt your head to the side and only get one ear wet, so didn't have to do any ceiling sucking