Guscott Digging Day 24th Nov


This coming Saturday -24th- we have a full team dig on the main Guscott choke. It looks like we have a dozen or so people coming but more would be welcome as we need a lot of people to get stuff back to the surface.
The current dig face is approx 23m vertical from the surface and the route is scaffolded most of the way with some corners and climbs which make hauling awkward.
We have always made good progress on big dig days and this coming one should be no different.
A lot of people meeting in the Crown at Lofthouse Friday, night and camping in the field behind the pub is available for those that want it. Alternatively the campsite at How Stean Gorge is only a short walk away and has all the expected facilities.
It looks like we may have a tourist trip on Friday night, possibly a Frog to New Goyden though trip if conditions allow. If you have not done this it's a classic. pm me for details if you are interested.
On Saturday meet at by Limley Farm at 10.00am or come earlier and get round to How Stean for breakfast.


New member
Definitely worth getting involved with this weekends activities especially the frog to New Goyden through trip on Friday evening, meeting around 5pm, a really nice SRT excursion. The main activity is the Saturday dig which could yield a few suprises so get up there & meet the team  :clap:


Well-known member
Got told off by lizzie the first time when I joined the black sheep for not checking the Res. I knew the rep' of Manchester and goyden, but it was only when the Black sheep took me up there this year that I fully understood the situation.

I think it was March (or April) when I saw it, lapping away at the concrete.

Guscott is a little way down, and movement at streambed level has been seen, but they will keep some people on surface to haul buckets (they might even nominate me  :eek: Brrrrrrr) and I'm sure if it's looking iffy goydenman or swallowneck will go and check the res and think about wind strength/direction.


New member
Guscott pot fills up inside to out before it floods completely. Nothing to worry about as you will not be far under the surface.
The Frog to New Goyden trip is an  excellent short through trip possible without any ropes.


Tonight's evening trip kicking off at 5.30. Meet at Limley Farm gate.
I want to be back in the pub by 8.45 to get some food so it will not be a long trip, approx 2.5hrs.



A bit late but better late than never as they say.

Big Team Push Guscott

Team: Nick Bairstow, Chris Fox, Stephen Ainley, Jason Clement, Vicky Bailey, Kevin Francis, Adele Ward, Ian Cummins, Mick Gargett, Alistair Got, Luke Brownbridge, Dave Jones, Tim Neale, Ian Proudler

Nick met up with Stephen and Dave on Friday night and took them for a jolly round New Goyden. The seemed suitably impressed, Dave was surprised how much cave there was in New Goyden. Afterwards, they met Chris in the pub and all together celebrated Stephen's 60th with meal, beers and a cake.

Saturday morning Nick and Chris got to How Stean caf? early and while eating breakfast waited for people arriving. It had gone 10am and there were about 7-8 people and they set off up to Limley Farm. Jason was waiting there and after everyone got changed Nick, Adele, Ian C and Dave set off for New Goyden. The idea there was to recover some scaffolding for the dig and for Adele and Ian to see one of the more interesting caves in the Dale.
The rest of the team set about hauling rocks out the dig area in Guscott pot. Previously diggers had run out of stacking space and littered the floor with lots of boulders making for constricted access. It was slow hard work but they made a determined action and steadily were moving rocks up the pot and then all shifting up and moving them up again. Eventually, more people arrived and they were cleared out all the way to the surface. Now there was space in the dig area again!!

Now seemed a good time to have a break for a drink and cake and re-plan how to push the dig. Adele and Ian went down to the dig face and everyone else formed a line along the passages plus ropes where required. From this time on buckets were used to take out small and medium size rocks. The mud and shale was washed down away from the dig with the stream which was slightly larger than usual which was handy.

Buckets were coming out the hole so often and was impressive. The dig floor was lowered revealing the full extent of the limestone step. It was lowered below one of the scaffold feet so a new one was installed plus another long scaffold pole to support a huge boulder. With all the dig material removed it is now clear which direction to go and how to scaffold the way forward.

A brilliant team effort. The dig is now again ready to scaffold and push on down and forward to Bridge Hall. There is also loads of stacking space, especially behind the scaffold frame. Things look good for further progress.

At the end we tried to reinstall Tony's tipping bucket without success...come back Tony all please do your technical stuff.

Photos are of Stephen and Dave at New Goyden downstream sump, the full team on the surface and Stephen exiting Guscott Pot.


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