help needed


is there anyone coming to Hidden Earth that maybe able to do me a really big favor?  :confused:

i need an SRT kit picking up from:

Hayfield, High Peak, Derbyshire

and i am not going to be up that way in a wile (based near reading)

will buy beer in thanks.  :beer:

please PM me if able to help. cheers Jenny



Well-known member
Any chance it could be dropped of at, say, the Wanted Inn (Sparrowpit) for collection? If so, I'll happily collect it and bring it to Churchill for you. I'm just not sure when I might have time to go to Hayfield.



The Power of the internet and many thanks to people i've never met! :beer:

thank you geoff for dropping the stuff off behind the bar in a pub in derbyshire, thank you Nick for picking it up and bringing it to mendip,it made its way to me via Biff @ Hidden Earth as i was walking between lectures ( well traveled gear)

cheers boys