• The Derbyshire Caver, No. 158

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Hull Pot/Hunt Pot


Active member
Seen a picture of one of these two where the water had backed up to make a pond. Which one is it?



New member
Ye, I've seen a picture somewhere (probably a book?) but can't remember where.. I keep aiming to take a picture of it like that but I'm never in area when its wet enough :(

tubby two

Isnt there still one above the fireplace in bernies? I'm sure there used to be.


p.s. stu, not to nit-pick, but isnt 'pond' a bit of an understatment?!?


New member
Isnt there still one above the fireplace in bernies? I'm sure there used to be.
Can't say I've noticed it when I've been in recently. I think AndyW might be the best person to answer that one...


Active member
tubby two said:
Isnt there still one above the fireplace in bernies? I'm sure there used to be.


p.s. stu, not to nit-pick, but isnt 'pond' a bit of an understatment?!?

Ah, is it in Inglesport? Possibly Bernies.

What comes between a pond and lake? Couldn't think what else to put  :-\

tubby two

Thats probably the one.

stu said:
[What comes between a pond and lake? Couldn't think what else to put  :-\

A bloody big hole full of water!
