Images of South Crofty Cornwall


Active member
The following was posted on aditnow , having looked at only 50 of the photographs they are superb


"Good evening everyone, it has taken me 20 years to complete this project. Many hours spent learning in the darkroom and producing prints has not gone to waste.Those of you who know me already know I had access to South Crofty over the last years of her working. I have now finished over 600 images of the mine underground at work. Please enjoy."


Active member
Brilliant! I don't know if a nice picture book would be commercially viable, but I can personally guarantee one sale at any rate


Active member
hyweldavies said:
Brilliant! I don't know if a nice picture book would be commercially viable, but I can personally guarantee one sale at any rate

There have been a number of publications on South Crofty mainly written by Alan Buckley and photos provided by Paul Deakin. In many ways having record photos like this on a website is a better way for us all to view them . I also understand the Northern Mines Research Society has a copy of these on their resource pages. A publisher may shy away from producing a book on these which would need to be of high quality and need a guarantee of sales well in excess of 1000 copies to make it viable and affordable
