Interested in Caving and looking for Information



I'm sure its entirely natural, the stream above has created it over time.  Plus its in the middle of a farmers field :)


Almost certain to be an Iron  Stone deposit. That area's shot through with them. Not up to much these days, as they're almost all worked out, and have been for years. Probably back filled as well.
Burliegh House, the local Stately Home used to have, about 15 or so years ago, one or two  Mines/Quarries still being worked, around the Back or Wittering/Collyweston/Cottesmore way, though only on a very small scale.

Interesting find none the less. (y)


New member
Slug said:
Almost certain to be an Iron  Stone deposit. That area's shot through with them. Not up to much these days, as they're almost all worked out, and have been for years. Probably back filled as well.
Burliegh House, the local Stately Home used to have, about 15 or so years ago, one or two  Mines/Quarries still being worked, around the Back or Wittering/Collyweston/Cottesmore way, though only on a very small scale.

Interesting find none the less. (y)

Collyweston quarry was still operating about 7 years ago when I was last there on an ACE trip, they were still splitting the stone with plug and feathers too.


Collyweston quarry was still operating about 7 years ago when I was last there on an ACE trip, they were still splitting the stone with plug and feathers too.

Ah well You see, it's because they are owned by the local landed Gentry, from up in the Big House, and they don't want their Serfs. sorry Staff getting to many modern ideas...Today drills... tomorrow they'll want the right to vote  :eek:



Collyweston quarry was still operating about 7 years ago when I was last there on an ACE trip, they were still splitting the stone with plug and feathers too.

Just looked it up and this is what I found,
Seems to have closed and become a Nature Reserve, which is no bad thing. Many years ago I did the odd Exercise there, and the Rock Ape's used to use it occasionally for Climbing/Abseiling Practice. ( one of the few places in this part of the country where You can :LOL:).
