Dear all.
It's truly heartwarming to see this much enthusiasm for expeditions but why ponce about in a known cave when you've got the opportunity to explore? Took me years as a youngster to get invited on exploration trips and yet I offer that golden apple to anyone with motivation! Most of you are aware of the legendary Dachstein Caving Expeditions in Austria, I assume? We're heading off for a month from 9th July and take all sorts of wasters on the trip. Group consists of seasoned veterans to students who've never left the country before (about 25 of us in total). Objectives range from easily-accessible surface shafts to truly horrendous deep potholes. Loads for everyone. We split into small teams depending upon objectives. Definitely not a tourist cave area but we're generally quite relaxed: if people want to prop up the bar that's fine. Couple of caves where there could be buried treasure: will lend you a crow bar and send you off digging. Yeah, right...
If anyone wants to come along then please get in touch as we always need more people. Some of your mates may be going; so far the list of personnel is:
Cardiff Uni:- Ian, Rhys, Grace, Louis, Annie, Dave, Thom, Ruth, Matt, Alys, Jason, Pippa, Hannah, Daf, Bea.
Non-student cavers: Jim Cochrane (BEC), Martin Groves (SWCC/CDG), Mad Phil Rowsell (BEC), Rich Hudson (TSG/CDG), Sarah Phizacklea (Nelson Speleo Group), Joel Corrigan (er, none), Donald Rust, Louisa Rust, Clara Rust, Harlan Rust, Steffen Greschner (some German club), Peter Huebner, Clemence, Johann.
Give me a shout if you're interested. Dirt cheap (£50) plus transport. email to
Come on: let's see how motivated the cavers of Britain are.