Lathkill Head Cave - Upstream...

With the water levels hopefully low i'm planning a trip into Lathkill Head Cave one night this week - heading upstream from Lathkiller hall if the streamway is dry enough...

Not been that way...and wondering what is of interest on the way upstream...

I know its an epic crawl all the way upstream...we're not planning on going all the way...just wondering what's within an hour or so crawling distance?


Well-known member
upstream...  tiger 4 up on the right through a boulder choke you can visit Claude Ball's tiger taming emporium... maybe get as far as Dreamtime. I dont know the how the water levels are in LHC. Critchlow was draughting like mad on Sunday as was LCDC. We managed to get about 30-40ft beyond the fig 8 chamber before it sumped with a howling draught coming from the Doghouse.

Check the Lathkiller see how low the water level is before it rains again! (y)

John B

New member
It just occurred to me that the passage at the top of The Doghouse in Lower Cales Dale Cave almost certainly connects with the rift at the far end of Armoured Mudball Crawl. If it is emitting a howling draught, the cave must all be unroofed once you're past the sump beyond Figures of Eight Chamber.