Mail on Sunday article about the rescue of George Linnane from OFD

David Rose

Active member
Heads up: I've written an article about George Linnane's recent rescue from OFD based around an interview with him.

It will be in the Boxing Day Mail on Sunday and presumably also on Mail Online.

Hope y'all like it. 

David Rose

Active member
And here?s the article:


Speleofish said:
Shorter and not as good.

Indeed. Count the errors.

a final eight hours was spent on snaking through tight squeezes in the most difficult sections of the cave: Lugubrious Passage, a narrow tunnel with finely scalloped walls; a steep section called the Corkscrew Climb; Gnome Passage; and finally Brick Yard cavern.

Ah yes. That well known squeeze... Gnome Passage.

Ian Adams

Well-known member
Awesome report David, felt like I was there.

Seeing faces that I knew was such a lift.

.... Best line I ever read in any report.



Well-known member
Excellent article. Well done.  (y)
I made the mistake, when I reached the end of letting my eye drift down to the on-line comments. Oh dear...  :cautious:


Staff member
I wonder if those same people who think George should be sent a bill, think the same about walkers who need rescuing from hills and dales.  Or even folk who crash their car, or whose house burns down, or whose cat gets stuck up a tree.....


Well-known member
Or folk who suddenly need an ambulance because they've led an inactive life, perhaps as a smoker - and had a premature heart attack. I wonder how many people don't require this help, precisely because they're cavers and keep reasonably fit?

But I guess I'll be preaching to the converted here.


Well-known member
I made a comment referring to person asking them if they ever took any risks in their lives - like driving a car, walking in the street etc etc. If you feel you can manage a level of risk then do it.


Active member
It was a good report  probably the best domestic cave rescue report I have read.

Having to register with the Mail was a pain but I also made a comment about the 'cost'. Sadly I don't think it has appeared and I could not see yours Pete.



Well-known member
Badlad said:
I wonder if those same people who think George should be sent a bill, think the same about walkers who need rescuing from hills and dales.  Or even folk who crash their car, or whose house burns down, or whose cat gets stuck up a tree.....

They're probably people who struggle to grasp what the word "volunteer" means because it has too many syllables...


New member
An ex GP friend of mine once said that  if you don?t drink, or smoke. or eat fatty foods or red meat, and don?t  exercise  and don?t have sex or dont expose your self to stress and don?t take risks then you might expect to live longer than others who do!
He?s probably right.


Active member
Even if you don't actually live longer it would definitely feel like it.

I'd go with the exercise and diet, but you definitely need a little adrenaline to spice things up!


Well-known member
I will always remember the first weekend that I met george where some students were staying at a relatively central hut in Derbyshire and the fire alarm went off twice in the night where we both jumped out of bed to see WTF was going on. ?Vaping?/smoking? in the garage it seemed. Easily sorted, back to the bunkroom.

Only to be woken with a crash and a bit of commotion. To find the window of the kitchen broken by a boot through it from the upstairs floor. I don?t recall george staying at this particular central hut in Derbyshire after this night.

As I told you george, always welcome in Derbyshire. If you want a quieter?!? Weekend.