New BBC programme


BCA has received a request from the producer of a forthcoming TV series who is researching possible story lines for the programme. They (BBC) have contacted BCA on the off chance that cavers may have been rescued, or involved in other acts of kindness/help that they were unable to adequately acknowledge at the time. If any one wishes to contribute to the programme, please contact me at the usual BCA email address (membership at british-caving dot org dot uk) and I will pass on the contact details.

From the series synopsis;
From the makers of the acclaimed genealogy series Who Do You Think You Are?, and the hit family reunion series Long Lost Family, The Gift (working title) is an inspirational new programme for BBC One that helps people express their gratitude or make amends.

Is there someone who has changed the course of your life forever? Someone you never got the chance to thank properly?  Or someone you?ve wronged in the past who you feel a burning need to apologise to?  Do you long to talk to them but can?t find the courage to do it alone?  What if you?ve lost touch with them altogether?

Living with an unpaid debt of gratitude or a long overdue apology can be an enormous burden.  For many thousands of people across Britain, it?s often impossible to move on until you?ve had the chance to express your feelings in person.  The Gift is the programme that can help.  From tracking down the stranger who saved your life to helping you build bridges with people who you?ve seriously wronged in past, The Gift can end the years of guilt, worry or longing and finally let you begin to find closure.

With a team of professional mediators, psychologists and experts in tracing people, The Gift will document the stories of people who want to seek forgiveness or express their gratitude and need our help to do so.  We?ll track down the people they want to find, support them as they prepare for a face to face meeting, and film them selecting  a gift, which might be a token of thanks or to make amends.

The Gift is planned for broadcast by BBC One in a primetime mid-week slot and will be presented by a well known TV personality. 


Well-known member
I would steer well clear of this one as it appears to be the worst type of mawkishness - exactly the sort of exposure that the caving world can do without. More Kate Humble please BBC - the Ultimate Caving series was excellent, though too short.


Well-known member
grahams said:
More Kate Humble please BBC - the Ultimate Caving series was excellent, though too short.
You obviously watched that one show too many times! The other episodes were kayaking and climbing with different presenters.



Well-known member
Well, they packed too much into it:
Long Churn/Alum Pot (with the 'turn your radio mic off' scene as Kate ran off for a wee), Dan Yr Ogof, Swildons and Titan if I remember correctly.


Active member
I thought the Kate Humble one was rubbish. The Kate Silverton one was the best (Wild Water) with the Julia Bradbury (Climbing) a close second.


Well-known member
Kate Humble did a fair bit of squawking on the Dolly Tubs but I thought her ascent of Titan after so little preparation was infinitely more impressive than Julia Bradbury climbing the pretty easy Crackstone Rib.


Active member
Kate Humble's a natural.
Julia's a city girl who only goes into the country when she's paid.


New member
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm            Julia Bradbury  ..........mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.  :kiss2: :kiss2: :spank: :spank: :spank:


New member
anfieldman said:
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm            Julia Bradbury  ..........mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.  :kiss2: :kiss2: :spank: :spank: :spank:

As a lady member who is fond of sensible shoes and :kiss2: :kiss2: :spank: :spank: :spank: I have to agree with you but we are getting very off topic.

mr conners

It appears the media wan#ers are becoming ever more desperate for anything to fill the tv schedule with.

Avoid at all costs. Just like the narcissistic Julia bradbury.