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new photo site


New member
Thanks Mark for sharing your work with us all.

Ignore 'Cave_Troll' and his comments. After looking at your work, you don't need to be taking any advice from him.  ;)

Keep them coming!

- Robbie Shone


I have to admit, I can see where Cave_Troll is coming from; the Peak Cavern shots do look a little odd and the same goes for a few of the OFD ones. The rest that I've looked at appear to be good though. I am not a cave photographer so that's just my opinion as a casual observer - and let's not forget that photography and its appreciation is a very subjective issue.

Given that Shinwell has publicly posted his photos and promoted them here, I think he can expect a bit of feed back; negative as well as positive! He can always come back and defend himself or explain the phenomenon here if he chooses.



Active member
Sure, mine are at


Feel free to criticise if you want. If someone posts their work online, its always a debate. do you just sit there and say "wonderful" or do you say what you actually think?
Some shots that have been "taken at an artistic angle" make my brain scream "why is that water at an angle? why isn't is sloshing around the passage"
Also "blured is the new action". sometimes long exposure and blured movement really works. Sometimes i don't think it does. Lets face it, your model moved, and you're either too lazy or too taken with "blured is the new movement" to do anything about it.

as Rhys says, i love most of your shots, just some of them look a little odd.

owd git

Active member
Not gonna start a poll but I agree, whilst the tech' bit is v. good. postures be unnatural, I prefer 'action ' to look like action. That said the lighting  makes for fantastic contrast and colour. Thank you. :beer:


Well-known member
Nice - cannot see any 'funny' lighting just the usual well back lit caver. Nice well lit shots of French Caves. Small correction - I think you will find the Gouffre Therese is higher than the P40. From memory it is up on the flank of the plateau some way from P40 but higher. Could be wrong.

If people want quantity ( ;)) try this page www.darkanddeep.co.uk two clicks needed. I have gone for smaller files and my aim was to give people a really good idea of the caves featured. It also takes time setting up the pages so although I am slowly expanding its a slow process. I have some Yorkshire and  Derbyshire caves to put in at some stage so watch the space.


Well-known member
Rhys said:
Given that Shinwell has publicly posted his photos and promoted them here, I think he can expect a bit of feed back; negative as well as positive! He can always come back and defend himself or explain the phenomenon here if he chooses.
Got to say, i agree with Rhys and Tim on this one. While i may like the small ego boost when people say "nice shot", i'd much prefer people to systematically rip apart my work, especially the stuff i'm really proud of, so long as they can clearly back up their opinions. And it's human nature to pick out the negative details easier than the positive ones.
"Nice shot" doesn't help me improve...


Well-known member
mrodoc said:
Small correction - I think you will find the Gouffre Therese is higher than the P40. From memory it is up on the flank of the plateau some way from P40 but higher. Could be wrong.
I'm afraid I think you are wrong on this one. The P40 is a few metres higher that the Th?r?se IIRC.


New member
Rob said:
Got to say, i agree with Rhys and Tim on this one. While i may like the small ego boost when people say "nice shot", i'd much prefer people to systematically rip apart my work, especially the stuff i'm really proud of, so long as they can clearly back up their opinions. And it's human nature to pick out the negative details easier than the positive ones.
"Nice shot" doesn't help me improve...

Well if we're being critical, one of your Upper Flood photos is of a rather dashing young caver and is perfect apart from a small furry animal stuck to the caver's helmet.  What were you thinking?


Active member
...Aven de Neuf Gorges......  :-\ is this the same one we attempted to get to in the Ardeche ....the one which needs something significantly more substantial than my peugeot to access ? The one that is in amongst a massive forestry......or is it another one ?? My car gave up and protested so we went to the Peyrejal instead.


New member
After seeing the photos of the "Village Negre" in the Grotte de Bournillon on Mark's site, and one that's appeared on the ukc front page, it reminded me of a picture I took over 20 years ago, which went wrong, and finished up being lit almost entirely by carbide - 1.5 minute exposure.

wow doc you certainly have a talent - and a passion :)  The cave diving looks amazing... never dived anywhere with a roof!  ...yet...


New member
Thanks for all the comments - I'm a bit behind in replying to them all :)  Any feedback is welcome; as Rob said you don't really improve without it, and I appreciate the time people take to write it.  I happen to also think the Peak Cavern shot looks a bit odd...

mrodoc - Nice photos.  I think the P40 is actually the highest Dent de Crolles entrance, although not by much (the Therese is maybe 10 metres lower?), but I may be wrong.

spikey - The Bournillon picture lit by carbide is lovely.  I think carbide as a lighting source for photography can be very effective.  Some of the Salamandre photos I posted (actually the first underground pictures I took on digital) were partially lit by carbide as well.

christine - The Neuf Gorges does indeed sound like the one you refer to; it is in the Ardeche well into a forestry plantation, and not at all easy to find if you don't know where it is!  It took us basically a whole day to find the cave on the first visit.  There are ways of getting pretty close to the hole in an average car, although some care is required - drop me a mail if you want more details (mark@three-tuns.net)

I've uploaded a few snaps of Ogof Draenen this evening.  More to come ...


Well-known member
three-tuns website link no longer works & Mark last signed in 2013, does anyone know if his pics are posted elsewhere?

Other people's links are still active


Well-known member
mrodoc - Nice photos. I think the P40 is actually the highest Dent de Crolles entrance, although not by much (the Therese is maybe 10 metres lower?), but I may be wrong.

The highest entrance by far to the Réseau de la Dent de Crolles is Gouffre Bob Vouay at 2015 metres, which is only 47 metres below the summit. This is followed by P40 at 1939 metres, and Gouffre Quanta at 1937 metres. Gouffre Thérèse comes fourth at 1933 metres.