If you have followed out numerous articles over the past months you will be pleased to know that the recently restored and cleaned underground, just opened to the public after being closed for many years, is a very popular destination. The Fontanelle cult cemetery was the most visited site in the city of Naples, Italy during the citywide "Monuments In May" celebration. While an actual visit to this incredible ancient cemetery is best, our Napoli Underground webmaster, Fulvio Salvi, has produced a modest video which you may download. Fulvio is a noted urban speleologist, and expert on the "Sottosuolo" or "underground" in the parallel city beneath Naples which he has explored for decades. The audio is in Italian, but you can make your own audio in your mind from the images presented. For a quick background in English on this fascinating, macabre wonder beneath Naples, go to: http://www.napoli.com/english/sotterranea2.php and scroll down to the third article.
To download Fulvio's video go to: The video
Again, Fulvio is no Cecil B. DeMille, but his amateur video is certainly interesting and will give you a good look around inside this fascinating place that has been closed to the public for so long!
For more news and fascinating information, visit Napoli Underground
Larry Ray