New Zealand caving incident


Well-known member

3 Trapped, 2 rescued, 3rd being rescued..... 180m pitch!




Blimey - aren't cavers just flavour of the month in the press at the moment. Unfortunately - its all bad press it seems.

Hope these guys are OK though.


Active member
the reports from NZ seem to be not sensationalist. while i don't know the area, everything said seemed reasonable to me . no reports of "a sport that regularly claims lives" and all the rest


They are repeatedly called 'climbers' though.

So no cavers were involved... Bit like "Aircraft crashes into mountain, no Britons were killed". OH thats ok then!

.. bloody climbers with their spandex pants, cocaine pouch and funny slippers!!  :icon_321:


Well-known member
Cave_Troll said:
the reports from NZ seem to be not sensationalist. while i don't know the area, everything said seemed reasonable to me . no reports of "a sport that regularly claims lives" and all the rest

One of  the links did suggest the cave should be blocked off, though  :mad:

Joel Corrigan

New member
They'd have fun trying to block off Harwoods: it's a huge open shaft.  It is the bane of the Search and Rescuers though, as it is a fairly regular haunt of muppets.  In some of the local climbing guides it suggests that it's a good trip on a wet day when the crags are too wet.  A few years ago a mate of mine got called over to a rescue there.  Seems that a party of climbers had started to descend and a girl in the group had gone down the entrance shaft (180m and very spacious), dropped maybe 50m or so, crapped herself, pendulumed across and grabbed a shrub, managed to unclip her figure 8 from the rope, let go of it, and became very well acquainted with her stupidity!  Dr Mike Brewer (same guy had an accident in the area a while ago) comes along a few hours later, descends, realises that there's not a lot he can do, swings in, clips onto her, and swings out again.  The panicky tart probably needed to be smacked around a bit! 

Not a lot that can be done to effectively control access other than to warn.  Keeps the rescuers on their toes, anyway....

Saying that, it's a good trip and pretty impressive.  Always thought it was a shame that the Kiwi cavers didn't spot the potential for caver recruitment with a place like that on the doorstep.  Ideal place for a big-boys winch meet!


New member
Hey Joel -

you know, rap songs aren't meant to be taken as life coaching...

When you in the Dales next?

Joel Corrigan

New member
Ah, howdo, Mister S?  Nothing wrong with a bit of harmless bitch-slapping: worked for northerners since the stone age!  Think one or two of the regulars on this site should have been smacked around a bit more by their teachers when they were kids!

The Dales?  I seem to visit that sacred land on a very occasional basis these days.  Far too busy ferreting around in distant lands (i.e, the Brecons)....  Might get off my arse sometime in march as it seems that the Cardiff lot have foolishly booked Greenclose for a long weekend.  And I was really looking forward to staying in Braida Garth!  Hope you're still finding lots.