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Northern CSG spring meetup


Active member
We are planning a CSG (Cave Surveying Group) meet, and we've not had one 'oop north' yet (other than specific training meets) so I think it's time (previous meets have been Derbyshire, Derbyshire, and Mendip).
This is a general weekend nerding meet for anyone to come along and test stuff, show off what they've been working on, get help with software etc.
We plan to have an instrument focus on one day as the DistoX2 is no longer available and people are working on new devices. Mr SAP (Phil Underpants) will be there and some others who have been working on interesting stuff can show us where they've got to. Anyone with a working Bric4 would be particularly welcome (as Rich seems to have broken his).

Dates and venue are not set yet, but 'in or near Ingleton', and probably March or April. It'll cost £10-£20 to cover venue fee.

Please say if you'd probably turn up to such a thing - this post is primarily to get an idea of numbers?
And suggestions for things you'd like to talk about/show are very welcome?


Active member
OK. Cave Surveying Group meet is happening on weekend of 4th/5th March at the YSS.
Headline event will be an update and discussion on the state of digital instruments: What is available, how well it works, what is being done to make use of the rapidly developing sensors in new devices.

It will also be a self-help session for anyone with questions/problems with existing software.

Come and tell others about your projects - what works and what doesn't.

Hopefully there will be some Lidar demos and we can discuss the merits of 2D vs 3D representations. Julian Todd will demo Tunnel VR 3D drawing-up.

If you want to do some actual surveying I'm told that Dale Head Pot needs a resurvey so there can be a trip there to get that started.

Email Nick Bairstow if you want to bags a space NickBairstow24@gmail.com (or phone 07899 995647), and tell us if there is anything your like to cover.

The YSS is £10/night to stay and it'll be £5 each to cover facilities/admin. Bring your own food or eat at the Helwith Bridge. http://www.helwithbridgeinn.co.uk/food.html

I look forward to some quality nerding :)


Active member
I can do that yes. But much easier with a temp-controlled-iron and a microscope (mine is knackered and I've not bought a new one yet).
I'll bring an iron and flux and wick and an eyepiece - that will probably suffice.


Last minute reminder to those booked on to the CSG Northern meet at the YSS this coming weekend.

Also, bit short notice I know, but we have had a couple of last minute drop outs so if anyone else would like a weekend of nerding and dicussion about all things surveying drop me a line.



Active member
Is anyone going who is starting anywhere in midlands/S yorks such that I might be able to get a lift part-way? (And wouldn't mind collecting me from a convenient train station?). I can relatively easily get to Leicester, Newark, Doncaster, Nottingham, Leeds, Brum. Anywhere on/nearish the ECML.