OFD Top Entrance 29th January 2006
Andy S, Mel, Steve Lodge, Liz Freeman and Dave Holmes.
This was an introductory trip intended for members unfamiliar with OFD. For Steve and Dave it was a first visit; for a Liz a second. We started off with a look at the big survey in SWCC to give an overview of the whole system. Ken and Andy P turned up on their own mission to visit Top waterfall; they walked up the hill with us and vanished into the cave while we were still kitting-up.
Planning The Route
We did our usual sit-down just inside to let the eyes adjust and I took the opportunity to plot the proposed route on a survey of the Top Entrance area. It was a busy day and a couple of other groups filed past before we finally set off. Steve took on the role of navigator and successfully led across the Big Chamber to the Mini Traverse.
The Mini-Traverse
A right turn from here took us along a pleasant sandy corridor to another junction, where turning left led us in to the top level of Arete Chamber. From here it was into the relatively unknown. If you study the survey you can see a passage leading over, and then connecting with, the Chasm. I had previously had a solo look at most of this but not followed it right through. It begins with an unusual feature or OFD – a long pool deep enough to fill your wellies. This can be traversed over, but not that easily which created a bit of entertainment.
Traversing The pool
Steve on the Three Metre Climb
Beyond the pool is an awkward 3 metre climb and then a walking size rift. The rift opens out at a cross-joint and to the left is an impressive gulf into the Chasm. From here it was on into unknown territory. The route continued as sideways walking in a pleasant winding canyon before emerging on a ledge about 3-4 metres above the floor of the Chasm.
Mel on the route to the Chasm
We descended using a handline and strolled on down to Salubrious Passage. A rather serious and sombre crowd of cavers were met here and we followed them down to the Trident. Liz and Mel decided to head back from here while the boys, being boys, went for a quick look at Selenite Tunnel.
I was really curious to see how Mel would get on finding her way back so we crept up behind the girls to monitor their progress. Mel missed the climb up first time but quickly realised she was wrong and corrected her mistake.
Mel and Liz
We caught the girls up by the ‘Wedding Cake' but Mel continued as route-finder and successfully led us to the surface without too much trouble. It had been a very pleasant amble round for just under 4 hours.
The Navigator Surfaces!
The Team
As we were driving away from SWCC Ken and Andy appeared so we arranged to meet up in the Copper Beech. They were not destined to join us there because their sat-nav took them in the wrong direction! We enjoyed a drinks and nibbles and a final look at the OFD master plan before going our separate ways.