Photography Showcase 3 per week limit


Well-known member

Martel Chamber, found at the end of the Hanke Canal in ?kocjan Caves is Europes largest cave chamber.
Here a view from the sump end of the chamber.

4 cavers use several high powered strobes and flash bulbs to illuminate this shot.

unfortunately you don't get a full appreciation in low resolution. For full resolution version check out my Flickr version here:

Sorry another blog coming soon  ;)

Jack Hare

New member
Snapped this quickly as the caver emerged from Sump 1 in Swildon's. Quite lucky to catch this moment as the water pours out of the helmet.



Well-known member
Caver Keith said:
Thought it was about time I had a go at cave photography.
Nice one caver keith. A snippet of my first go at videography will be aired on Inside Out, February 11th 7.30pm BBC1 Yorkshire and Linconshire ;)

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Well-known member

Martel Chamber, found at the end of the Hanke Canal in ?kocjan Caves is Europes largest cave chamber.

I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that the chamber in Torca del Carlista, N. Spain, is a fair bit bigger.


Staff member
Jack Hare said:
Snapped this quickly as the caver emerged from Sump 1 in Swildon's. Quite lucky to catch this moment as the water pours out of the helmet.

Posted this on facebook (hope you don't mind, Jack) and has been really popular.  Thanks for posting and supporting the forum  (y)


New member
Number 1 son took this as his younger brother reached the pitch head.


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New member
Both pictures taken by my 12yr old son on a Wessex cave club  invasion of  Aggy.

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Caver Keith

Well-known member
I've just returned home after a fantastic weekend filming a documentary with Shropshire Scouts Caving Team. This is some of the team in the incredibly beautifully decorated Gnome Passage, Ogof Ffynnon Ddu. The illumination was provided by 3 Fenix FD65 3800 lumen torches.

Gnome Passage Ogof Ffynnon Ddu by dcrtuk, on Flickr


New member
Eastwater Cavern  top of 13 pots towards the twin verts. By Aaron Varley aged 12.

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