Hello all
Back in 2019/2020 I brought to a lot of folks attention, via AditNow, the above proposed Hydro Scheme. There were a number of objections from various individuals and groups with the result that the application was withdrawn due to insufficient information/ reports.
An application for the proposed scheme has now been re-submitted after an Environmental Impact Assessment was carried out.
From an email sent to me -
"Whilst the full Environmental Impact Assessment document and appendices include a substantial amount more information regarding the scheme along with specialist surveys and reports to support our latest planning application, the proposed scheme size and structure is unchanged from previous. On the previous application, concerns were raised regarding potential ground instability above the known mine workings along with the possible presence of bats in the adits as such for inclusion in the Environmental Impact Assessment we commissioned specialist geotechnical engineers & ecologists to inspect the whole site and report their findings. We are pleased to share they confirmed the scheme will not affect any bats or introduce any stability risks to disturb the existing mine workings. Given the current need for diversification in the agricultural sector, this proposed scheme will provide security for future generations as well as allowing us as a family to play a part in tackling the current climate crisis by generating electric from a renewable source."
(Potential disturbance of nesting Peregrine's in the cwm, disturbance of mine waste/ current drainage routes resulting in heavy metals leaching into the watercourse below, benefiting the owners rather than locals, reduced flow to the waterfall (tourist attraction), potential collapse of mine workings (some of the workings are no longer accessible due to blockages underground so who know's how close they once came to surface?) are just a few objections that come to my mind!)
I will be submitting an objection on behalf of the Welsh Mines Society. (As I am not an engineer/ have specialist knowledge it will only be a 'general' objection!)
Please circulate to any interested parties to submit their own objections.
Should anyone have problems viewing the online documents (see link below) send me a PM with your email and I'll forward the documents sent to me.
Please note the closing date for comments is 25th November.
WMS Chair
Viewing the proposal and submitting comments
Copies of: the proposed application; the plans; and other supporting documents can be viewed online at: https://www.rmlconsult.com/cwm-cynfal-pac-documents.html and computer facilities are available to view this information online at The Blaenau Ffestiniog Library*, between the following hours:
Monday 10.00 am -1pm and 2.00 pm - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 10.00 am -1pm and 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm
Wednesday 10.00 am -1pm and 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm
Thursday CLOSED
Friday 10.00 am -1pm and 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm
Saturday 10.00 am -12.30 pm
You can also view a printed copy of the information at The Blaenau Ffestiniog Library*, between the stated opening hours.
*It is advisable to make an appointment beforehand with the library; telephone 01766 830415 email: LLBlaenau@gwynedd.llyw.cymru
Submitting your representations.
Comments can be completed and submitted either through an online questionnaire form available on https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/LMG9N72 or, by posting the completed online questionnaire to: ‘Cwm Cynfal Questionnaire’, Richards, Moorehead and Laing, Office 1, Llys Clwyd, Cwrt y Dderwen, Ffordd Celyn, Ruthin, Denbighshire LL15 1NJ.
The questionnaire is also available in paper form at The Library, Blaenau Ffestiniog.
Anyone wishing to make any comments about this proposed development should do so by
the 25th November 2023.
Back in 2019/2020 I brought to a lot of folks attention, via AditNow, the above proposed Hydro Scheme. There were a number of objections from various individuals and groups with the result that the application was withdrawn due to insufficient information/ reports.
An application for the proposed scheme has now been re-submitted after an Environmental Impact Assessment was carried out.
From an email sent to me -
"Whilst the full Environmental Impact Assessment document and appendices include a substantial amount more information regarding the scheme along with specialist surveys and reports to support our latest planning application, the proposed scheme size and structure is unchanged from previous. On the previous application, concerns were raised regarding potential ground instability above the known mine workings along with the possible presence of bats in the adits as such for inclusion in the Environmental Impact Assessment we commissioned specialist geotechnical engineers & ecologists to inspect the whole site and report their findings. We are pleased to share they confirmed the scheme will not affect any bats or introduce any stability risks to disturb the existing mine workings. Given the current need for diversification in the agricultural sector, this proposed scheme will provide security for future generations as well as allowing us as a family to play a part in tackling the current climate crisis by generating electric from a renewable source."
(Potential disturbance of nesting Peregrine's in the cwm, disturbance of mine waste/ current drainage routes resulting in heavy metals leaching into the watercourse below, benefiting the owners rather than locals, reduced flow to the waterfall (tourist attraction), potential collapse of mine workings (some of the workings are no longer accessible due to blockages underground so who know's how close they once came to surface?) are just a few objections that come to my mind!)
I will be submitting an objection on behalf of the Welsh Mines Society. (As I am not an engineer/ have specialist knowledge it will only be a 'general' objection!)
Please circulate to any interested parties to submit their own objections.
Should anyone have problems viewing the online documents (see link below) send me a PM with your email and I'll forward the documents sent to me.
Please note the closing date for comments is 25th November.
WMS Chair
Viewing the proposal and submitting comments
Copies of: the proposed application; the plans; and other supporting documents can be viewed online at: https://www.rmlconsult.com/cwm-cynfal-pac-documents.html and computer facilities are available to view this information online at The Blaenau Ffestiniog Library*, between the following hours:
Monday 10.00 am -1pm and 2.00 pm - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 10.00 am -1pm and 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm
Wednesday 10.00 am -1pm and 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm
Thursday CLOSED
Friday 10.00 am -1pm and 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm
Saturday 10.00 am -12.30 pm
You can also view a printed copy of the information at The Blaenau Ffestiniog Library*, between the stated opening hours.
*It is advisable to make an appointment beforehand with the library; telephone 01766 830415 email: LLBlaenau@gwynedd.llyw.cymru
Submitting your representations.
Comments can be completed and submitted either through an online questionnaire form available on https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/LMG9N72 or, by posting the completed online questionnaire to: ‘Cwm Cynfal Questionnaire’, Richards, Moorehead and Laing, Office 1, Llys Clwyd, Cwrt y Dderwen, Ffordd Celyn, Ruthin, Denbighshire LL15 1NJ.
The questionnaire is also available in paper form at The Library, Blaenau Ffestiniog.
Anyone wishing to make any comments about this proposed development should do so by
the 25th November 2023.