The Old Ruminator
Well-known member
Rewitten as edit time expired Grrrrrr.
During permafrost conditions near the edge of the glacial sheets water in caves froze solid to become a mass. The movement within the solid mass created breakdown and fracturing of formations clearly seen in Reservoir Hole and Shatter Cave on the Mendips. Over time many fractured formations were covered with more calcite to leave formations like The Leaning Tower of Pisa in Shatter. Also see my recent image on the photo section of the tipped up stal boss in TFD shown again here.
WL Cave shows lateral shearing as solid ice moved withing the passage. With warmer interglacials vast amounts of water were released forming epigenic caves possibly like you have in the FOD. Mendip caves went through cycles as water levels dropped. The transition from phreatic to vadose is clearly seen in Shatter Cave. TFD has superb mud floors having dried and cracked as the water table dropped also residual cryogenic calcite structures on some boulders.
During permafrost conditions near the edge of the glacial sheets water in caves froze solid to become a mass. The movement within the solid mass created breakdown and fracturing of formations clearly seen in Reservoir Hole and Shatter Cave on the Mendips. Over time many fractured formations were covered with more calcite to leave formations like The Leaning Tower of Pisa in Shatter. Also see my recent image on the photo section of the tipped up stal boss in TFD shown again here.
WL Cave shows lateral shearing as solid ice moved withing the passage. With warmer interglacials vast amounts of water were released forming epigenic caves possibly like you have in the FOD. Mendip caves went through cycles as water levels dropped. The transition from phreatic to vadose is clearly seen in Shatter Cave. TFD has superb mud floors having dried and cracked as the water table dropped also residual cryogenic calcite structures on some boulders.