• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition

Response to recent comments regarding the CNCC


Hi all, what follows is my attempt to respond to some of the criticisms aimed at CNCC over the recent weeks. You can argue that this should have been submitted sooner, but not all CNCC officers look at this forum, and those that do tend to be very busy at this time of year. It has taken me a significant amount of my recent evenings to check back through various digital and paper records (and confirmation of those facts from various officers) to ensure that this response is as accurate as I can make it. I am doing this because I personally feel that many of the comments made on this topic are grossly unjust and personal, but probably they are based on misunderstanding, and equally through poor communication by CNCC.  I want to state that these comments are my own, and not those of CNCC, but based on my attendance at most CNCC meetings since the late ?80?s.

Election of CNCC officers: One of the concerns that has been expressed is the economy of wording of the minutes of these elections, stating each year since 2008 that the committee was re-elected. With hindsight, it is clear that the proceedings should have been documented more precisely, with the person taking each position clearly stated each year in the minutes, and the names of each elected club and their representative should have been spelt out. But the reality is that for much of the time there wasn't a dedicated Minutes Secretary, so the person taking the Minutes was at the same time trying to perform their own role (whether club rep or officer).

The reason for the re-election of the same committee for several years is that over those years, at the AGMs from 2009-2013, nobody put themselves forward for any of the posts or positions other than the existing officers and committee, therefore, the  officers and committee were each elected back into their previous positions. This was done by a vote
on each occasion by all those present at the AGM. The exact details should have been recorded, but when a committee has been in place for so long (longer than they ideally intended or wanted in some cases), and nobody else ever comes to the meetings and stands for any of the positions, elections can sometimes become a little routine, and it is easy to become complacent about documenting the precise details (I don?t believe that CNCC is unique in this). This has obviously been picked up on to create the wrong impression but I can assure you that the election was carried out properly in each year.

Change between 2007 and 2009 to date: Prior to 2008, officers were elected only from the 14 elected member clubs, and they were listed separately in the 2007 and 2006 minutes, with only the clubs from which officers hadn't been drawn being listed separately in the Minutes. So in 2007 in addition to the 8 clubs listed as elected committee clubs there were 4 officers (plus a Training Officer post which was vacant) - their clubs weren't listed, but were elected committee clubs because the rules at the time said the officers could only come from elected member clubs. However, as stated previously above, there was difficulty in attracting people to stand for officer posts and, also, the Committee felt that there might be good candidates who were barred from standing because they didn't belong to an elected committee club. Therefore, the 2007 AGM decided that CNCC should produce a proposal for change of Constitution that allowed for non-voting officers to be elected.

This proposal was voted for and accepted at the 2008 AGM. There was also quite a "churn" of elected committee clubs in that year (due in part to some clubs folding). Unfortunately, the minutes of the 2008 AGM were recorded electronically and subsequently lost due to a hard drive failure (along with much of the secretary's personal and business data). I know that this will be jumped on by the conspiracy theorists, but this genuinely was an accident, and there is simply nothing that can be done about this to rectify the situation. But I can state without doubt that the election of the new member clubs was performed constitutionally.

Secret digging permits: My understanding of these permits is that providing ?diggers? applied via their club under the terms of section 2 of the Leck Fell FAQ (see CNCC website) then any unallocated permits would be made available to them.  They were never ?secret? the information has always been on the CNCC website. In all honesty, I don?t know if any of these permits were abused once they were issued.

Disparaging comments on micro clubs: I am very disappointed that cavers on this forum are happy to insult fellow cavers, because that?s what it amounts to. I took on the role as CNCC Treasurer in early ?94 and inherited paper records going back many, many years, and those clubs were active then. While they may currently be ?micro? their membership numbers increase and decrease according to factors such as births deaths and marriages. Incidentally, one of those micro clubs is responsible for significant original exploration in the Dales.

Requests to publishing a list of all member clubs: Many years ago, pre 2004, several of the member clubs on the list specifically requested that their identity as a member club was not disclosed, and this was agreed. In fact, it was so long ago (predating the online minutes) that we cannot remember which these were. In an ideal world we would have the time to individually contact each member club and discuss this with them, but we haven't.

Whether or not it is a data protection breach (and I personally doubt that it is), it is not conducive to good relations to unilaterally rescind an undertaking that has been given, Suggestions that clubs should be told that if they don't want to be identified publicly, they can revert to associate status, looks like a good idea, but the officers can't simply say, in effect "we're going to change the rules, and if you don't agree, you have to give up your vote". Such a change could only be made with the agreement to the CNCC Committee,

Therefore we have not published the full list, but instead suggest that if you wish to know whether your club is a full member club, drop one of the CNCC committee an Email to ask. This seems to be the best compromise. There is no attempt (and has never been any attempt) to hinder the democratic process, it is just that we find ourselves in a situation where we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. I hope that whoever steps into the new committee at this AGM will be able to address this more thoroughly.

The CNCC has been far from perfect for the last several years, it can certainly be accused of complacency and poor communications, but I think it is unfair to accuse CNCC of more than that. However, as Kay (and others) have said it has been run by people whose only agenda has been to improve northern  caving and make the caves as accessible as possible for now and the future.There have been many successes along the way (see the article in the current edition of Speleology ? they are all CNCC volunteers) and many things that could have been done better. But nobody gets paid for doing it, and several of those involved have continued to undertake their role (giving up multiple weekends a year) for much longer than they may have wanted/expected because nobody else has put themselves forward to carry on the role. Therefore, I wholeheartedly hope that the recent interest in the CNCC committee, and any changes planned by those standing the forthcoming AGM, will inspire more people to take an interest and to help change the CNCC for the better.

Hi Glenn

Thanks for this. I won't go into a detailed analysis of this or of t'other piece, but I do have one question that you are uniquely qualified to answer:

There is a list of BCA member clubs on the BCA website. Damien has, in the past stated that this is kept complete and up to date. Has any BCA member club ever asked that its name should not be placed on this public list?


Hi Graham, the answer to your question is no. But with respect, I do not believe that that is your question.

To answer, what I believe your question to be, we need to go back to whatever year it was prior to the creation of BCA. At that time, CNCC had Full Member Clubs (based north of the Wirral - or M62, 'can't remember which) and Associate Member Clubs based south of that line. When the CNCC changed it's constitution to allow all BCA member clubs to be considered Associate Members, it was agreed that the current (at that time) Full Member clubs kept that status (it was a necessary trade off to allow the constitution amendment) which meant that those Full Member clubs did not have to belong to BCA in order to apply for permits. At that time, there was over 50 Full Member clubs. Over the years many of those Full Member clubs have also joined the BCA, some have simply folded and some remain CNCC Full Member clubs, but have not joined BCA. I understand from recent exchanges on this subject that there will be a review of this situation. I hope this helps.
Thanks for the answer, Glenn, but actually I wasn't being anywhere near that devious. It's simply that I find the explicit refusal to acknowledge membership of such a body as CNCC so bizarre that I wanted to know whether it came up in any other context and, obviously, you are the person who would know, as far as BCA is concerned. I do know that other regional councils list their member clubs and as far as I am aware none of those lists have a disclaimer about members who do not wish publicity.

However, you answer does raise an interesting point. I can quite understand that CNCC would make allowances for extant full members when BCA was born, but does your phraseology imply that clubs that have joined CNCC since that time do have to be BCA members? This would be along the lines of EU member countries opting out of the ? when it was started but new members having to undertake to join the ?zone as a prerequisite.
You still haven't answered cavers main concern about the lies, dishonesty and evasions regarding cash for access! Why did CNCC propose to the landowners that they charge for access?
With regard to Micro-clubs, you still haven't said who the membership secretary of the CNCC-TG is, how many menbers it has and how to join!
graham said:
However, you answer does raise an interesting point. I can quite understand that CNCC would make allowances for extant full members when BCA was born, but does your phraseology imply that clubs that have joined CNCC since that time do have to be BCA members? This would be along the lines of EU member countries opting out of the ? when it was started but new members having to undertake to join the ?zone as a prerequisite.

That is correct. Any club applying for CNCC Full Member Club status would only be considered from a BCA member club.
exsumper said:
You still haven't answered cavers main concern about the lies, dishonesty and evasions regarding cash for access! Why did CNCC propose to the landowners that they charge for access?

It was the landowner that proposed the charge.
exsumper said:
With regard to Micro-clubs, you still haven't said who the membership secretary of the CNCC-TG is, how many menbers it has and how to join!

Alex, I am prepared to provide a full answer to your question, if you can explain why it is of so much interest to you.
Thoughtful reading thank you Glenn.

I agree with that, thanks Glenn. I think your point that much of this discontent arises through misunderstanding and poor communication is a very valid one.

Would you be willing to confirm how many full member clubs there are presently, if you know?

I also have a question on the CNCC TG, which perhaps you could answer. Do you consider the CNCC TG a club, or a co-opted member? I'd like to know simply because  if the agenda is right and the CNCC TG is a recognised club then all fourteen places are filled, if it isn't then there is a place free?

I have been told that over the past few days clubs have asked the CNCC if they are full members. These are active northern clubs who were full members who were surprised and disappointed to be told that they have been removed from the list.
Imagine a local authority keeping the electoral register secret and people turning up to vote only to find out that they had been removed from the electoral register.

There is no reason why the clubs who allegedly want to remain anonymous could not be removed with a note that a name had been removed and the list given to all full member clubs.

Glenn, please release your secret list now.
Glenn said:
exsumper said:
You still haven't answered cavers main concern about the lies, dishonesty and evasions regarding cash for access! Why did CNCC propose to the landowners that they charge for access?

It was the landowner that proposed the charge.

Really?  you should read the CNCC minutes and the posts on this subject! More evasion!
Glenn said:
exsumper said:
With regard to Micro-clubs, you still haven't said who the membership secretary of the CNCC-TG is, how many menbers it has and how to join!

Alex, I am prepared to provide a full answer to your question, if you can explain why it is of so much interest to you.

It is of interest to me (and I would suggest most cavers) because the nature of the CNCC TG and the other micro-clubs has a bearing on the democratic legitimacy of the CNCC committees unilateral decision to propose "cash for access" 

Given that the proposal is extremely detrimental to grass roots caving throughout the UK, and against the best interests of the majority of cavers,

It begs the question as to whether or not those who proposed and voted for this measure were commercial cavers or have any financial interest in commercial caving? A question that I have asked previously! this question requires an answer!

Bottlebank said:
Thoughtful reading thank you Glenn.

I agree with that, thanks Glenn. I think your point that much of this discontent arises through misunderstanding and poor communication is a very valid one.

Would you be willing to confirm how many full member clubs there are presently, if you know?

I also have a question on the CNCC TG, which perhaps you could answer. Do you consider the CNCC TG a club, or a co-opted member? I'd like to know simply because  if the agenda is right and the CNCC TG is a recognised club then all fourteen places are filled, if it isn't then there is a place free?

The CNCC TG is a club. It was created in early 1996 to continue the resin bolted anchor installation programme (and associated on-going testing). Up until then, volunteer clubs had been re-bolting the caves, but once they realised how difficult and time consuming the work was, they did not come back for more! CNCC TG was created in order to pull together willing installers from various clubs to work together to continue the re-bolting work. It had to be a club in order to apply for permits where required. We were not exempt that process. The club currently has a core membership of 5 but can call in additional "stand by" members at short notice depending on the work load. Contact details are on the CNCC TG page of the CNCC website as well as the results from various test projects. CNCC TG also produces the CNCC Rigging Guides, the proceeds of which all go to CNCC.
Simon Wilson said:
I have been told that over the past few days clubs have asked the CNCC if they are full members. These are active northern clubs who were full members who were surprised and disappointed to be told that they have been removed from the list.

I am surprised by that comment as I help maintain the list and I am not aware that any active clubs have been removed. Please can you provide details.
Really?  you should read the CNCC minutes and the posts on this subject! More evasion!

Given we've got this to the point where we are getting some answers, the lack of which is what a lot of us were upset about, wouldn't it be a good idea to phrase questions a bit less aggressively?

exsumper said:
Glenn said:
exsumper said:
With regard to Micro-clubs, you still haven't said who the membership secretary of the CNCC-TG is, how many menbers it has and how to join!

Alex, I am prepared to provide a full answer to your question, if you can explain why it is of so much interest to you.

It is of interest to me (and I would suggest most cavers) because the nature of the CNCC TG and the other micro-clubs has a bearing on the democratic legitimacy of the CNCC committees unilateral decision to propose "cash for access" 

Given that the proposal is extremely detrimental to grass roots caving throughout the UK, and against the best interests of the majority of cavers,

It begs the question as to whether or not those who proposed and voted for this measure were commercial cavers or have any financial interest in commercial caving? A question that I have asked previously! this question requires an answer!

I think I have answered most of your query re CNCC TG in my reply to Bottlebank. No one in CNCC TG has a financial interest in commercial caving.
The CNCC TG is a club. It was created in early 1996 to continue the resin bolted anchor installation programme (and associated on-going testing). Up until then, volunteer clubs had been re-bolting the caves, but once they realised how difficult and time consuming the work was, they did not come back for more! CNCC TG was created in order to pull together willing installers from various clubs to work together to continue the re-bolting work. It had to be a club in order to apply for permits where required. We were not exempt that process. The club currently has a core membership of 5 but can call in additional "stand by" members at short notice depending on the work load. Contact details are on the CNCC TG page of the CNCC website as well as the results from various test projects. CNCC TG also produces the CNCC Rigging Guides, the proceeds of which all go to CNCC.

Thanks Glenn, and that makes sense now.