RIP Trevor Ford


Well-known member
I've just heard from Richard Shaw that Trevor Ford passed away late this afternoon; another of the legends gone. :cry:


Active member
Only met him once, years ago, but I've read many of his writings.

He'll be missed.

RIP Trevor.


Well-known member
Awful news. Trevor was one of the most outstanding speleologists the UK has ever produced. He had a heart of gold beneath that superficially brusque exterior. I have fond memories of participating in gatherings of like minded cavers at his former house in Castleton, to discuss aspects of the Peak Cavern system. Or banging on his door when we'd made some discovery in there, so he'd be the first to know. We were always interrogated thoroughly, whilst being plied with tea and toast.

Trevor was a great man within the caving community; many of us will miss him immensely but be eternally grateful for having known him.


Well-known member
I second that sentiment - I spoke with him two weeks ago to appraise of him of our current project status, and he was extremely enthusiastic and encouraging about it all, as well he might, having predicted its existence (and importance) decades before. I also found the superficially brusque exterior to be nothing more than that too, and he was very friendly once he knew I was 'alright'. His writing and research has been invaluable to me, and doubtless has been far more to many others more experienced. And what a legacy of important information he's left for us to digest.


Well-known member
Shock and sad. He introduced me to caving, took me round Peak Cavern and later gave me cave leads to push. Thanks Trevor RIP


Well-known member
I only caved with Trevor a couple of times thirty years ago, a good bloke and very friendly. He was always prepared to discuss in detail any geological topic we brought up. A real loss.



He was as strong influence on my early caving activities around Castleton.  He worked with my Dad at Losehill Hall, putting on Mining History lectures/walks etc, a few of which I attended.

RIP Trevor.
Posted on behalf of BCRA Chairman John Gunn...

I am very sad to inform everyone that Dr Trevor Ford, OBE died on the afternoon of 22nd February, just short of his 92nd birthday. Trevor was instrumental in the formation of the BCRA and was awarded Honorary Membership of BCRA in 1977 in recognition of his contribution to cave science and especially to publication. In 1997 Trevor was awarded an OBE for his services to geology and to cave science. There will be many tributes to Trevor over the next few weeks but for a brief appreciation, written to mark his 90th birthday, and a list of his cave-, karst- and mine-related publications (which will need updating as he continued his written output!) please see Cave & Karst Science 42(1), 2015, pages 3-5.

John Gunn, Chairman, BCRA


New member
Sad indeed, He was both inspiring and at times terrifying

I was one of his students and the ringing WRONNNNNGGG as I pointed out the wrong layer in a complex unconformity will remain with me for ever, as will the "Mr Kendall, My office" that rang out as you walked into the department and he spotted you, and you were either late with something or he wanted something from you

On the plus side it was his help and support that allowed to do my undergraduate mapping exercise in a caving area and gave me the contacts I needed (I have a friend called Ben runs an outdoor centre where you will be able to stay!), and I know that many students were helped out by him in many ways during his time at the university, and many cavers the same

RIP indeed


Active member
I knew Trevor as he was a neighbor, both he and I lived on "Millionaires Row" the name the villagers called the road out of Castleton and up towards the Winnats Pass.

I would pop round his house and he would kindly take his prize books about caves and Karst from his bookcase and allow me hours of long private study......
Fond memories.



Active member
A good write up in the latest Descent (255) April/May 2017 34-35 3 photos.  Trevor Ford Obituary by John Gunn.