Sent PMs

cap n chris

Well-known member
Click on "My messages" and then go to "Read your messages", and thence to "Sent items", top left corner.


Active member
Mine has Messages highlighted in Orange in the top left area
When I wave mousey over it I get the Sent messages option.

Les W

Active member
menacer said:
Mine has Messages highlighted in Orange in the top left area
When I wave mousey over it I get the Sent messages option.

But the messages you sent are only archived there if you tick the box "save a copy of this message in my outbox"

If not then there is nothing there to view, hence my previous post.

ian mckenzie

New member
cap 'n chris said:
Click on "My messages" and then go to "Read your messages", and thence to "Sent items", top left corner.
Got all that, except there's no "sent items".  Must tick a box next time and see if that makes it appear.


You can also set this up as the default behaviour by going to:

Profile --> Personal Messaging, then tick the box that says "Save a copy of each personal message in my outbox by default."