Hi all
Please find below some information that may help in explaining the situation.
Simpsons and Swinsto were surprisingly never anchored with consideration for pull through trips.
The CNCC committee agreed for anchor work to be carried out to rectify this.
The “standard” 2 anchor slightly offset set up has been used in all locations except for the 3 options at the end of Simpsons.
Slit Pot, Slit Pot “over the top” bypass and the last part of the Great Aven.
Currently there is an array of anchors in place and “Tat” in various states.
These locations would be best suited (In my opinion) to chain linking 2 anchors to a single point (a free spinning welded ring)
Reasons for this approach.
Having a single point to pull down from with no rope rub on a pitch in the 30m range is highly desirable.
Whilst the wear and tear on the anchors from pulling down is negligible, science says it must be happening, so moving this wear away from the anchor can only be a good thing on such a big pitch and will ensure the anchors are still sound in 500 years 😱.
The chains are only attached by mallions to the anchors so this is absolutely NOT permanent and can be removed at any time.
This solution will remove the need for cavers to add and keep adding “Tat”. Something that really shouldn’t be needed on such a popular cave.
Nothing proposed here would affect “hard rigging”. The aim in both caves has been to provide “multi” purpose pitch heads using the minimum anchors.
Aiming for a sustainable, fit for purpose solution (dare I say best practice) would seem like a good aim for a representative body.
What to do if you disagree.
We are blessed that the CNCC operates in a fully open and transparent manner and follows their constituent.
This is in the “proposal” stage so nothing is decided.
• Feel free to make your feelings known on this internet forum. (Obviously this has no “official” purpose but any debate and discussion is generally healthy)
• Make representation via your club if it is part of the committee.
• Make representation via the recently appointed individual rep if needed.
• Turn up to the meeting and make your feelings known here.
If the committee decide not to pass this proposal which is absolutely their right, at least it would save me dragging some chain through the cave 😂. However we will still be left with the issue of Tat appearing in these locations or problems pulling down.
Some pictures below of the areas currently.