SRT Practice Walls


New member
Hey guys n gals,

I'm looking to take a friend on a beginner SRT trip but need to teach them the basics before hand. I'm aware of the SRT wall at Pindale Farm but unfortunately it's booked the weekend we're there. I can't seem to find any other spots on google, does anybody know of any other suitable places to teach a beginner basic SRT? I have two sets of equipment and my own ropes obviously.

We're based down in Norfolk so the Peaks is our closest area to cave. I have used the YSS wall in the Dales myself, but would rather not have to venture that far north ideally!

Thanks for any suggestions


Get a sling and carabiner over a tree limb and pass a rope through it, securing the end at the base of the tree trunk with a locked off belay device. If anyone gets stuck, release the anchor and lower them down to the ground. Granted you can’t practice manoeuvres like deviations and rebelays but it seems you just want to cover the basics.


New member
That's fine for learning how to ascend, change direction and descend but it's no good for learning how to get on and off pitch heads which is probably the most daunting part for a newbie. I guess it's better than nothing but I'd rather not rely on it.


Active member
The disused viaduct at Millers Dale (NOT the big double one !) has anchors in place for rigging, used by outdoor groups.

Pete K

Well-known member
Suicide cave in Winnats. It's not a surface facility but is so easy to get to the pitches it may as well be.
The disused viaduct at Millers Dale (NOT the big double one !) has anchors in place for rigging, used by outdoor groups.
But does require a rather expensive licence to use.


Well-known member
How about some string/cord and lob it over a high horizontal (ish) tree branch. Use the string to pull the middle of a rope over the branch and pull over twice the length of rope as the height of the branch.

Tie an alpine butterfly in each side/strand of rope on the middle side (not the ends side). Clip the alpine to the tails side of the rope (screwgates) and pull the tails so the knots and krabs rise up and anchor the branch.

Keep the two halves of rope a metre or two apart. Now you have 2 separate ropes dangling from the tree and can pull it all down again (pull on middle side)

You can practice all sorts

Jug up, touch the branch, changeover to descent and come back down. Stop 1 foot above ground and changeover and go back up again.

Repeat the above with a knot to pass in both directions

Swap between ropes at top and bottom to make circuits.

Get someone to go half way then sit on a locked off descender. Go and rescue them either using the second rope as easiest or only their rope to make harder.

Progress to rescuing them from hanging on their ascenders (pretty bloomin hard if you've never tried before and they weigh more than you)

Hanging rebelay can be practised using an alpine in one rope as the rebelay anchor for another

Not as good as a cave (or mine ;) ) but if you can do all the above smoothly, you have local facilities for this, Norfolk has some fine Scotts Pine trees! They're ideal