BCA Secretary
Active member
State of “play” in the BCA
Some concerns have been expressed lately about the lack of publicity from BCA, regarding key dates in the run-up to the 2023 AGM, which will be held via Zoom on Sunday 11th June, details to follow. The key date of recent concern was 9th March for the receipt of nominations, proposals etc. for consideration at the AGM. Information about key dates has in fact, been running in all the BCA Council meetings in the form of a timeline and recorded in the minutes of each meeting since the last AGM in 2022 and indeed, at meetings before that. All BCA documents including minutes, can be found on the website at this link Official Documents - British Caving Association (british-caving.org.uk)
Following the 2022 AGM, BCA Council adopted a timeline to identify key milestones leading up to the 2023 AGM, recorded in the minutes and rolling on from one meeting to another to ensure we met our obligations under the Constitution and simply did not “forget” to act at those key dates.
Currently, BCA is heavily reliant on its Constituent bodies and Council representatives to disseminate information from its work, largely due to the Publications and Information Officer (P&I) role being vacant who would ordinarily have undertaken this task. We have been unable to recruit a volunteer for the position since the last incumbent resigned which clearly increases the work load of those remaining; as someone once reminded me, “how much time do you think volunteers have?” Answers on the back of a fag packet please.
If there is anyone interested in volunteering for the position, do get in touch with either myself chair@british-caving.org.uk or secretary@british-caving.org.uk Whilst the role entails more than publicity, marketing would probably be a better description, any little help would be most appreciated.
There does appear to be a reluctance among the caving community, to step forward and volunteer to help run BCA, a legacy, in my opinion, of what I would describe as “the troubled years” which tarnished BCA’s image and understandably, may put people off getting involved. However, I can categorically state now, that BCA functions in a completely different atmosphere of co-operation, support and respect for those currently active within the Association which could not be more opposite to that of the troubled years. We are very much focused on getting the business of the Association, done.
All meetings are now held on Zoom which has led to an efficient and business-like approach to achieving outcomes from the matters and issues arising from the Association’s activities. I can reassure our members, that BCA continues to function well but we are just not in a position to publicise it as well as we might, for lack of a P&I Officer to drive that function.
Other vacancies, within BCA, have largely been filled, the last key position filled being a convenor for the Conservation and Access Working Group. However, a key vacancy, which we will need filling at the AGM, is that of Treasurer, as the current incumbent, Howard Jones, has served two terms of office over the last 5 years and intends to stand down. Do get in touch if you are interested.
Finally, please rest assured that BCA is alive and kicking.
Russell Myers
30th April 2023