• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition

Sunday 16th October 2005

cap n chris

Well-known member
What a busy weekend that was! Anyway, I popped up on the hill for a lovely walk (the weather was fab all weekend) via Burrington Combe and saw a packed car park near the old quarry/public lav/cattle grid with an ambulance in attendance to what I guess was a casualty - driving past didn't get a look-see; does anyone know what was going on? - was it a caver, a climber or an ancient person with a heart attack?

Also, Priddy Green was amazing - I counted 17 vehicles parked by the barn including numerous minibuses so Swildon's Hole must have had a good number of cavers down there - anyone got any info on how the air was, following the reports of crap air last week?

That's it - I'm just generally being nosey and you can ignore this thread or add to it if you've got any news or info to enlighten us with.
Priddy Green was amazing - I counted 17 vehicles parked by the barn including numerous minibuses so Swildon's Hole must have had a good number of cavers down there

Ah, just like the 'good' old days - my not very frequent trips to Mendip in recent years have always been very quiet, like Mendip caves were going out of fashion.
Sorry, can't enlighten you about your observations - I was stuck at home.
Hi there,

I was down Swildon's down to sump 1. We were 16 in total and some of us felt more exhausted than normal (due to bad air). It was very noticable as we caved back out.

Generally a fantastic weekend - I have no news on the suspected casualty.

I'll be back next weekend for more!!
Sounds like next weekend is going to be busy again as my uni club is down there as well!
There was some good caving to be had at the weekend and life at the belfry was "interesting"......
ummm some of these are not for the faint harted or easily offended.... Thanks Rich from soton http://www.flickr.com/photos/rbeer/sets/1153872/
hello cap n chris re the casualty it was a caver who had just been down goats church then down sidcot swallett who had dislocated his shoulder .
I know this because the caver was me :D
i have dislocated my sholder b4 coming of a jetski , however this time i was lying on my belly , lifted my arm and it popped straight out ouch (the hospital said I must of damaged my socket from last time for it to pop out by simply lifting it above my head.
Big thanks to the other group of cavers that tolerated my french and helped me my escape to the surface.
Thanks for your info, Jim! - see, cavers do care and will gladly rescue their own; hope you effect a full and speedy recovery (I know how painful it is `cos I've dislocated both my arms three times each!); it's actually very easy for your arm to pop out if you've ever had a shoulder injury beforehand and we now ask potential cavers about previous sports injuries as a matter of standard procedure.

Guessing by your description it was most likely when you were trying to get through the tie press on the way out (?).