I'll jump back in if I may and expand on the points I was making a few days ago.
It is difficult to write good articles on UK caving activities with any frequency as just not that much happens across the regions. It is possible if you are an entertaining writer to publish interesting stuff on different angles of caving but that relies on individuals doing so. That happens more rarely.
I'm part of a very active group in the Dales who dig at least twice a week and have been quite successful over many years. Even so with the best will in the world we cannot fill the pages of magazines with our exploits. We do try, especially one of our group, who is a prolific writer, both in Descent and other media.
International caving is very different in the way it takes place and can therefore be reported on. Usually we are talking of a sizable group of cavers who spend a significant amount of time focusing on one area or objective quite intensely. This usually generates enough of a good story to form a 4-6 page article. There may be 10-20 such caving trips abroad by UK cavers each year. Not all get written up in mainstream caving media but enough do to dominate particular issues of our only 'national' magazine. For me I want to read about what other cavers are doing where ever it is. I'm happy to read about access issues, conservation, period pains, caving on Mars, whatever. Some with more relish than others, of course.
I could quite easily decide that I'm not interested in what goes on in Mendip, or South Wales, or where ever, and then I too could point out that there isn't enough coverage of what I want to see. I don't entertain this because I know how difficult it is to generate content where there is just not so much and the difficulty in getting cavers to write entertaining articles in the first place.
So, at the risk of sounding patronising or rude, which I didn't intend, I'll repeat that I think cavers should try to broaden there interests in terms of what they read about. Have a look at what others are doing outside their own groups. Get inspired perhaps, learn more, but with all due respect, the title of this thread does come over as being very small minded. Sorry.