Too Much " Foreign Stuff " In Caving Mags. and Journals ?


Active member
I am quite astounded that so many cavers seem to have such strong views on the environment, yet prefer to put the effort into caving overseas, when the same effort could be just as rewarding locally.
This depends on your view of what’s ‘rewarding’ I think. If you actually want to explore significant quantities of new cave passage, then going abroad is considerably more likely to be ‘rewarding’ than staying in the uk!

Personally I also really enjoy all of the other aspects of expedition caving which you don’t get by staying in the uk. Each to their own though.

Andrew N

Active member
I've got several unfinished projects within 45 minutes of home, so travelling half way around the world seems entirely pointless (and very expensive), but each to their own.
Using the same logic, I could argue that it is pointless exploring your local caves when there is much more to be found abroad.

I’m absolutely certain that if there were enough UK caving news to fill Descent, then it would be filled with it. But there isn’t. So it can’t be. It seems really as simple as that to me?

Chris Scaife

Well-known member
For clarification, issue 297 was quite unusual in that the amount of time between the previous submission deadline and the deadline for this one was much shorter than normal, so — as expected — there was a relatively small amount of regional news.

News of exploration in Britain and Ireland is always given priority in Descent, but we are also committed to publishing articles about international caving, and we feel that such pieces enrich our publication.

Descent is written by cavers, for cavers, and relies on contributions. Whether you've fought your way into a few metres of new stuff in a local mudfest or danced your way down gargantuan passages on the other side of the world, we would love to hear from you.


Active member
I have no issues with the content of Decent, and I know chatting with the previous editor the constant struggle he had of cavers supplying content.
I find any big discoveries UK do have Decent dedicated stories, but how can you do more than a paragraph on went digging, put some bang in and advanced another 1 metre. It's woryj a paragraph in the round up pages.
If you want to see more on the UK then supply the editor with content, I expect Chris will publish it.
HE, everyone is welcome to submit a lecture and ask for a time of 30/45/60 minutes or I am sure more if you ask.
Club publishcations, I read the the trip reports, when it gets to the diary page, ie we went digging we advanced another metre, I rather they saved the paper and printing costs. Something which could just be updated electronically, and if your interested you could read. Basically it only becomes interesting when you get a break through or you find something unusual.
International Caving. Find a new cave or passage and walk into km of new stuff v UK digging, any metres gained hard earned, and really only suitable for those who live locally.


Active member
I have no issues with the content of Decent, and I know chatting with the previous editor the constant struggle he had of cavers supplying content.
I find any big discoveries UK do have Decent dedicated stories, but how can you do more than a paragraph on went digging, put some bang in and advanced another 1 metre. It's woryj a paragraph in the round up pages.
If you want to see more on the UK then supply the editor with content, I expect Chris will publish it.
HE, everyone is welcome to submit a lecture and ask for a time of 30/45/60 minutes or I am sure more if you ask.
Club publishcations, I read the the trip reports, when it gets to the diary page, ie we went digging we advanced another metre, I rather they saved the paper and printing costs. Something which could just be updated electronically, and if your interested you could read. Basically it only becomes interesting when you get a break through or you find something unusual.
International Caving. Find a new cave or passage and walk into km of new stuff v UK digging, any metres gained hard earned, and really only suitable for those who live locally.
I meant logbook not diary.