Travelling abroad with caving kit


Active member
Another reason for considering Eurail is that you're probably less likely to be affected by strikes at UK airports...


Well-known member
"I also didn't bother with an undersuit"
She'll definitely need something substantial. Have you seen the state of her oversuit? :ROFLMAO:
I am going to buy a new one for the summer!! I'm happy to drag my old one through yorkshire caves that I know well for a bit longer but not stupid enough to go down the berger without gaping holes :ROFLMAO: just wait till you see the state of my harness and jammers...


Well-known member
Another reason for considering Eurail is that you're probably less likely to be affected by strikes at UK airports...
yeah, I do hate airports. I have flown once in the last 5 years and it was a disastrous experience (stuck in the airport for 2 days, slept on the conveyor belt, then when we finally arrived home had to wait 10 hours for our luggage)


Active member
I can get all my kit into a 80l bag (weighed in at 20kg) and a 45l petzl transporter. No idea of the weight of the transporter but probably about 12kg. Transporter had all my textiles. Only caving kit in the hand luggage lithium batteries. I have also do Eva 4 day trip to France, with all my cave kit in hand luggage. The French were not impressed when we flew back as all the metal work was covered in mud.
I also suspect that what ever you use for a cooker you will need to buy the fuel in the country as not sure you can fly with it.