Tween Twins


Active member
Hi all, been out of the caving loop for quite sometime and wondered if leader trips were still possible in Tween Twins? Missed out when it was opened up for led trips in 2016 and the Web site for trips seems to be no more.


Active member
The original booking system was hosted by Jonathan Williams but is no longer supported. I'll PM you with a suggested contact.

cap n chris

Well-known member
We (thanks to the diggers) managed to get an early visit there moons ago, when it was still going by the name Fester Hole. It was amazing to witness, all the more so because it was gobsmacking to "lift" the scenery and "relocate" it to the nearby Goatchurch Cavern/Sidcot Swallet caves as that's undoubtledly what they, too, would have looked like back in the earliest days of exploration, now largely smoothed into oblivion by literally hundreds of thousands of novices - provided such gems are actively and jealously guarded, they should withstand the rigours far better. Video wot we dun, yer:



Active member
The original booking system was hosted by Jonathan Williams but is no longer supported. I'll PM you with a suggested contact.
Thanks John, sorry I couldn't reply to your direct message, it was locked to responses for some reason. I have emailed your contact.

Thanks for the video Chris, really interesting to see. We had a nose into Rowberrow Cavern on a walk at the weekend, another cave which you wonder what it would have looked like before many visitors..