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Updating Cave Access Information


New member
The reason that C.S.C.C. online information not having been recently checked / updated has suddenly come to light is:
Bill Chadwick has started a cave finder thingy,

Bill was asked to aknowledge the C.S.C.C. as source of his acsess information,

as Bill's devise is visual, it is very easy, if you have your own experiences to go on, that some of it needs updating.


New member
Ah Whitelackington, found your 8 year reference. Might have known the Cap'n would be behind it.  :spank:

Cap 'n Chris said:
Then, in about 8 years time it will be included in the next copy of the CSCC Access Guide.

whitelackington said:
Example Large Chamber cave, actually not next door to Mangle hole it is near Axbridge, grid reference quoted wrongly by cscc website.
Example Lost Cave of Loxton now found, several years ago, now called loxton Cavern, doesn't exist as far as cscc website goes
Example Hunter's Lodge Inn Sink, fairly large cave by Mendip standards, it does exist cos I went down it three years ago.
got quite a few more beside
here's one Fishmonger's hole, just North of Bristol, featured on front page of Descent and been on the T.V.

OK, I'm not perfect but ...

I don't believe Large Hole has been mentioned before - its not in any of your emails. Could you mail me the correct grid ref? Ta
HLIN - Fair point. It is in the published Handbook though.
LC - Fair point. Although access has only become available this year.
FH - Need to decide if it is worth including.

The Access Guide isn't the Mendip Cave Registry, nor does it try to be. Broadly it only covers the caves that there is interest in visiting.

There is a thread on the CSCC Forum to post corrections http://www.british-caving.org.uk/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=52

If you have items for the News page it would help greatly if they are sent complete. I.e. full sentences, punctuated, spelt correctly, etc. I'll do the formatting.  Creating an item from a few notes in an email takes ages and thus frequently doesn't happen.


New member
axbridgecaver said:
Large Chamber Cave NGR - 4288.5491
Thanks. This agrees with Mendip, The Complete Caves. The website has been updated.  :halo:

This error has been around for a while, it is in my earliest CSCC Handbook (1994). It looks like a transcription error from Complete Caves. The easting was correct but the northing was from Langford Rising, the paragraph above.



New member
One well known cave which would be rather difficult would be Manor Farm Swallet.
It is claimed  the landowner shuts it for part of each year, I have never known this, it did not even shut during foot and mouth but bizarley they shut it for a short period, just as the crisis was ending.
The real mystery is why does it nearly always cost a different amount to go down?
Mid you, I think £3 was paid once, about the most, my theory is they are always testing "The market"
A crackingly good cave though and highly suitable for, shall we say, semi-beginners. :alien:


New member
Someone you have taken @ least once before, they enjoyed it, copped well, you don't fear for them and they are ready for something more challanging :clap:

cap n chris

Well-known member
whitelackington said:
Someone you have taken @ least once before, they enjoyed it, copped well, you don't fear for them and they are ready for something more challanging :clap:

Presuming they cope with MFS well, where do you take them next?


Active member
cap 'n chris said:
whitelackington said:
Someone you have taken @ least once before, they enjoyed it, copped well, you don't fear for them and they are ready for something more challanging :clap:

Presuming they cope with MFS well, where do you take them next?

Eastwater?  :-\

cap n chris

Well-known member
Is the object of the exercise to see whether you can put them off caving or whether they'll cope with whatever you throw at them - and what's the difference between the two?


Active member
Hello Everyone,

Which caving trips you do after your first depends on how well you get on doesn't it? Being a smarty pants, my first trips after the standard Swildons and Goatchurch included Longwood (down to the start of Reynolds Passage) and Stoke Lane (including all the pretties).

Oh yes, and Manor Farm!

cap n chris

Well-known member
Anne said:
Which caving trips you do after your first depends on how well you get on doesn't it?

Yes, absolutely.

However, it also depends on who you know, how big/small you are, whether you wish to cave within your comfort zone or beyond it, whether you are OK with heights etc.. Also, Mendip is a small caving region; doing the best stuff first may be great  for newcomers but if you're local and not prepared to travel to other regions you'll soon run out of stuff to visit. A progression list (based on nothing in particular) might therefore go something like this:

Newbie. Total cave virgin.

Goatchurch. Enjoys that so visits...
Swildon's Hole Upper Series. Still enjoys that so visits...
Sidcot Swallet. Doesn't enjoy that much after seeing Swildon's but doesn't really know any better and therefore as they happen to be nearby they then visit...
Rod's Pot. Still enjoying themselves they then get a permit/key sorted and visit GB Cavern.
Obviously they're really beginning to find caving impressive by now so then revisit Swildon's Hole and venture beyond the 20', having a bit of a struggle on the ladder but finding it wasn't too bad after all. Another trip to the sump and perhaps even go through it and carrying on to sump 2.
Then a trip to the arduous and infamous Eastwater Swallet which they strangely claimed to enjoy so...
It's off to Lionel's Hole and Pierre's Pot.
Followed by an organised trip to St. Cuthbert's Swallet.
Then a quick succession of top trips to Longwood Swallet, Manor Farm Swallet, Stoke Lane Slocker and Tyning's Barrow Swallet.
Then knock off a few of the better trips available from the CSCC controlled caves, including Cuckoo Cleeves, Attborough Swallet, Compton Martin Ochre Mine, Singing River Mine, the Loxton stuff and Hilliers/Fairy.
By now they've got some good contacts through their club and manage to get leader trips into: Charterhouse Cave, Upper Flood Swallet, Reservoir Hole, Shatter Cave, Withyhill Cave and Gough's Cave. After a night out on the piss at the Hunters Lodge they luck in and get a sightseeing trip around White Pit, Hunters Lodge Sink and then on another evening spend some quality time freezing and choking down Templetons before having a near death experience on a second trip into Eastwater before having a break from caving.
However, they just can't get their mind off caving. They're hooked.
They're OK on ladders but want to have a go at SRT and so they do a bit of training before checking out their ability by revisiting Manor Farm Swallet where everything goes OK on the single pitches; so they have a go at rebelays/deviations in Hunters Hole and do the big single free-hanging abseil at Star Mine Shaft before then visiting Rhino Rift where they find the going a bit more demanding; however, undeterred they then check out Thrupe Lane Swallet and then return to Rhino to have a crack at the right hand route. They're lucky enough to get a trip into Gough's and have a go at the bolted traverses and visit Lloyd Hall.

Then they piss off up to Yorkshire and no-one ever sees them again since they sell their house and buy a poshed-up cottage near Ingleton and disappear into the mist, pretending to have a real genuine noooorthern dialect and a penchant for real ale rather than crisp clear industrial lagers and refined sugary alcopops.



Active member
Yep, that just about sums up my caving career! However, I haven't managed the moving away bit, so instead have taken to spending more nights a week than is healthy helping to dig out a huge deep hole!


New member
I suspect, if they join a caving club, there third trip will be to that clubs most recently favored dig.
Then you really know who youv'e got, if they are gagging for more you've cracked it, the most valuable recruit of all, a willing all rounder.
However if they don't take to digging, best to drop them, time wasters you see. :unsure: