Valley Entrance


Active member


Having read the report of the first free dives I followed Mike Wooding and many others in giving them a go. Practice dives in sumps 1 & 2 to start with in West Kingsdale Master Cave, I bottled it when it came to the 8m dive, or rather, I saved it for next time.

I had time for a simple short trip, which required as little kit as possible and having read of Ales Hrabecs exploits diving sumps in Swildons at Hidden Earth, I decided that the time was right before it got really cold to give the West Kingsdale Master Cave to Rowten Pot free dives a go.  1m, 3m and 8m in length, I decided to listen to wisdom and not attempt the final sump, although I was kicking myself as soon as I was dried off in the sunshine. I only stuck my head in to see how far my lamp would let me see.

Sumps 1 and 2 are classed as easy dives, in times of low water, sump 1 is more a long duck, but not today.  Rowten Passage takes you to the sumps from the Master Cave, off to the right before the passage to Philosophers Crawl, the canals were chest deep in places and eerie in others.  River Junction is a T-Jnc with the Mud River Series Sump chamber to the right and the continuation of Rowten passage to the left, it passes a few avens where a stoop or crawl is needed and you arrive at the dive rope belayed to a drilled thread.  A few good tugs to check it's attached at the other end, mask on a few calm breaths.  Best to go on your back head first I'd been told so that's how I went and after one yank, the airspace surface was visible breaking into a large airbell with waist deep water, the rope continues across the chamber to sump 2, there is an old line here from the dive route, I assume the shortest route which is not the best for free diving,  again head first on my back as I didn't have any lead weights I'd stuck a rock in my suit but I think a heavier one would be better as I banged my lamp on the ceiling as I set off and could only see my boots, a panicky moment for sure, but I soon popped out into the second airbell.

I'd decided on the way in not to try the third sump, at 8m it is a long way and despite knowing what to expect, there was the concern about anything having been washed into the sump from Rowten which would often get stuck at a low point towards the Rowten end of the sump.  I didn't fancy arriving 7m underwater to find a dead sheep blocking the way and the flood debris on the roof of Rowten Passage had been mostly wool, had a sheep fallen in and was slowly shedding its fleece through the sump? Thinking that ruined my confidence.  From the Rowten end you'd only have a metre before you found out and could do something about it and turn back, but 7m in, turning back would be a 14m dive with a turn round and I did not fancy that.  So other than sticking my head in to see how far my light went (not very) all I did was push my legs in till the sump 2 rope was taught and went back through trying to dive as as far under water as I could from sump 3 to sump 2 and on to sump 1.  A few more goes back and forth as to be honest, it's good fun!  a really serious obstacle that is actually really easy, makes you feel like a tough guy without having to be a tough guy.

So once more stomping along Rowten Passage, good fun that is, River Junction is an impressive place and the little climb up to the roof tunnel, I'd brought a rope and a light srt kit of belt, auto lock descender, micro ascender and footloop, but it was unnecessary really.  A really short trip, no more than 2 hours underground but one of my favourites!

Anyone trying the dives, neo, neo, neo...neoprene.  I don't have a full body wetsuit, but I do have a hood, gloves and long wetsocks so a shorty wasn't too bad but I felt the need to invest so picked up a cheap neo fleece and had impressive Powerstretch fleece stitched onto it with additional fleece elbow and knee pads by Dennis Jump, I didn't feel cold at all which surprised me, I assume the water isn't that cold yet.  I was warm until I got outside and the breeze reminded me of wind chill factors.  Though it did a good job of drying my kit a little before getting up the hill out of the valley which certainly warmed me up.​


YSS multifunctional head wear selfie zzzzzzz



early start but did lead to views worth trying to photograph
looking South from Scar End on the Waterfall trail
(not too suitable for bikes, locked gate argh)

Must thank all the kind people who gave me a hand on this trip, Alex R, Simon B and John C.  With all the info out there, it's easy to head into trips feeling confident and like John says, might as well know as much as you can and get everything working for you.

the Valley Entrance tube lid in daylight always makes me think of the moon


New member
Nice report mate!

Pull through from rowten next time! Makes the long sump easier to come to terms with :D

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