VOTE NOW!! Shortlist for the Inglesport Photographic Competition


Staff member


The Photograph with the most likes wins!! Then there's a second and third :)

[size=10pt]Vote for as many as you like.  Last votes to be cast by 10pm 23rd July[/size]

David from Inglesport is away, so all blame for choosing the wrong photos for the shortlist on me  :-[
(In the event of a tie, David will choose)

When selecting photos for the shortlist I used the following criteria:

It's not only cavers who will be seeing the winning shots as the cafe has non caving customers too - I wanted photographs that would appeal to the general public, with a positive view of caving whilst also being great to look at too.

For the shortlist to show a variety of shots and subjects.

I chose ones I liked and tried really hard to ignore who they were by to avoid favouring cavers I know personally.

I chose my 10  (Ok, OK there are 13, it was too hard to get down to 10) then listed them randomly (

Thanks once again to everyone who entered, you're all winners in my eyes  :hug:

Thanks also to Inglesport for supporting the competition (and to UKC for the ?50 winner's voucher!)




Staff member

Show your support for the photographers - we all like looking at caving photos, let's encourage them - even if it does mean helping sometimes - hours holding flashguns, 'just one more', 'stand there, yes there, that's right under that freezing waterfall'....shudder  :eek:



Staff member
Bump again  :D

As of 10am, Friday 200 votes have been cast (so liking that like button  ;))

Only 6 votes between first and second, however all photographers being supported - great as they all went to a lot of effort to capture the underground then post their photographs on here for everyone to enjoy.

Want to vote and not sure how??

The 'like' button is top right of each post.  If you're not registered, go on you know you want to - even the most cynical of cynics must surely agree that the forum is just a teensiest bit better these days  :eek: ;)

Trouble registering??  Send me an e-mail and I'll help janeallensales (at)

Thank you  (y)


Staff member

As of Sunday evening 272 votes cast - thank you (y) (y)

Topimo's shot of Hurnel Moss Pot has 58 votes so winning at the moment.

Stupot's shot of Gaping Ghyll has 41 votes so in second...

...and Christine's shot of the Shower Bath in Swildons is in third with 33 votes with Rob close behind with 29 votes for his shot of the Tube in Peak Cavern.

Agree with others choices above?  Prefer another of the many excellent shots on the shortlist?  Not voted yet?

24 hours left to vote by liking your favourite/s!! Go on, click that like button, support cave photography  ;)
