Well Mr Brook, you were right!


Active member

Trying to think of some smart-arse witticism, but can't. ::)

There's been so much hard work and sacrifice in this project over the last 30 or so years that it beggars belief.


Staff member
In answer to the question about the status of the dig.

The attitude of the digging team is 'open to all', no restrictions etc etc.  However if anyone who hasn't been involved wanted to do the through trip it might be courteous to wait a couple of weeks to allow those that have to get their trip in. 

A word of warning though.  This is a desperately horrible and dangerous choke.  The route through has taken two years to complete and is around 140m long.  I have personally been trapped in a collapse under a boulder the size of a piano and I have pulled someone else out of a similar situation.  Two other diggers have suffered head injuries from falling rock.  The worst stuff is scaffolded and much of the Notts side cemented up too.  Due to the longer trip involved the Lost Johns side has less protection.  Although there is only one route through there are several 'dead ends' that are unsafe.  For example; if you follow the bang wire on the Lyle side you'll end up in the 1980's 90's dig - not a good place.  Further in, most of the scaffold was reclaimed from a dead end leaving it in a dangerous condition.  All in all it is never wise to kick or thrash around in such a place and everyone needs to be very considerate as to what they push or pull on.  It is also disgustingly filthy, has a couple of quite tight bits and is energetic especially with a bag.  Sorry it's not nicer but there was no choice.

If you are feint of heart or uncomfortable in dodgy chokes please do another trip.  Anyone who does go down will be amazed at the tenacity and determination of the diggers - or perhaps just reflect on how crazy cavers are!!


Fantastic news. Well done everyone involved.
Couple of questions. First where in Lost Johns / Notts 2 is the connection. Sorry I've not been keeping track.
Second is anyone thinking of the complete through trip Top Sink to Rift or wherever is the furthest point now?
Obviously this would be a journey of epic proportions involving lots of dives that would have to be pre stocked with bottles etc. Maybe even a camp. Dozens of cavers would be needed for support but I doubt it would be hard to get them should anyone take on the planning. I for one would be willing to help.


New member
Congratulations! That would be quite some trip! probably the uk's most serious. Were does this put the system in world rankings?


New member
987056 said:
Were does this put the system in world rankings?
Probably still outside the top 20!

First where in Lost Johns / Notts 2 is the connection
From reading the above it sounds like Lyle Caverns to Bruno Kranskis (Digby Spodes Inlet) - I'm sure someone will verify or correct that.


ian mckenzie said:
Is there a report or details online on this connection yet? Other than in this forum, obviously...

It was the first thing I thought to do..... after 6 hours digging in an uncomfortable cold mud swamp, making one of the notable modern connections in British speleology, the result of three years unremitting hard labour in a crappy boulder choke,  I would come out of the cave and immediately go home and write up a full account (not forgetting our twitter and facebook friends) for the online world to consume. Celebrations and a pint in the pub for me?...not likely  ;)


New member
Well done to all those involved.

JasonC said:
... and illustrated the article with a picture from... S Wales.

Yes, shoddy journalism. I have left a message on their website suggesting they should have found a more related picture.


Active member
Very well done to everyone. My dad showed me the full survey tonight (but it's still to be completed fully). I'll try and make some full A3 surveys available for people for the near future of the full system.

Mr Brook has been bought some champagne to celebrate but only tea has been drunk tonight to simulate the state the original explorers were in when they first thought of this discovery (poor). Champers shall be drunk in (or around depending on our state) the Notts/Lost Johns connection.


Active member
Congratulations to all concerned. An amazing achievement, news of which is spreading fast ? I read of it in The Gruaniad first! They even mention this thread on UKCaving! But a pity they illustrated the story with a photo of Llygad Llwchwr, they obviously didnt find the Wezzit thread (I'm sure there must be at least 1 image there they could have used?)



Active member
barrabus said:
Well done to all those involved.

JasonC said:
... and illustrated the article with a picture from... S Wales.

Yes, shoddy journalism. I have left a message on their website suggesting they should have found a more related picture.

It's The Gruaniad - they thought it was the Three Countries system?