What a year!

Chris Scaife

Well-known member
I have just sent Descent issue 294 to the printers. The publication date is 21 October and this issue will feature our new logo, which many of you will have seen at Hidden Earth.

This is our sixth issue and marks one year since we took over as the editorial team. It has been a great year and we want to thank everyone who has contributed to that.

Just another 33 years and we'll have been working on Descent as long as Chris Howes and Judith Calford.

Thanks again for everything; we really appreciate the support,

Chris and Carolina


Active member
Well done Chris and carol, for me the reader the transition has gone by seamlessly, the quality is as good as was. Which in itself I think is a huge positive,


You do an absolutely sterling job! I also appreciate the hand written post cards when you send a copy of descent!
Such a lovely touch to make the reader feel very welcomed!

Now I need to get finally subscribed 🤣🤣