• New to caving event this Saturday (8th June)

    These events are part of CNCC's initiative to provide opportunity for those who have often wondered whether caving could be the hobby for them, to give it a go as part of a relaxed, friendly, informative, educational and inspiring day run by local cavers or instructors.

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Caving in Gozo


New member
Has anyone any information on any caves in Gozo? I am traveling there on a very short notice diving trip and have had no chance to research! Any info would be greatly appreciated!


Well-known member
I remember some BSAC folk telling me they'd been diving into some underwater caves (offshore) there.

Posting a question on here might help?



Active member
there is at least one show cave on gozo i know about

but i've never been.
It is possible to free-dive into Cathedral cave


I went to Malta in January, there are two "show" caves in Gozo, Xerris cave and Ninus cave. 
I went to one, don't remember which, but it was extremely disappointing.

Both are located under private houses and contain well decorated chambers, and the one I visited had walkways hacked unsympathetically through the formations.

Whichever one I visited, the owners knowledge was that some of the formations looked like crocodiles, some looked like ducks, and that one over there looks like a penis.

Looking at google pictures, I think I visited Xerris cave.


Active member
of interest is shrimp cave in the sea off Reqqa point.
The entrance is at 35 ish m and it comes up to maybe 25.
up the walls are ledges with shrimp on (hence the name) and stall / flowstone..

I think that means it was formed in fresh water when the Med was 30m lower or gozo was 30 m higher


New member
From rhychydwr1

Not many caves on either island all are short, I have been a few times and a fun visit any way . Try and get hold of:

THE CAVES OF MALTA by Tony Oldham 29 pp illus. Reprinted and enlarged from BC 125 A4 size. Five show caves, catacombs, a WW2 shelter and even some wild caves. Only available as a CD [complete] ?3.00 post free in the UK or free download [no pictures].



New member
I'm also going to Gozo on a last minute diving trip, did you find anything worth doing ? is it worth taking my helmet, or should I stick to the bars