Lots of info from BCRA

    The next online seminar is on Monday 10th June, 19.30 to 21.00 via Zoom

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GSG pubmeet - Tuesday evenings - change of venue

Julie H

From the GSG newsletter and to all cavers and wannabe cavers looking for THE Scottish caving club......

Edinburgh Pub Change for GSG

The GSG has met for many years (since 1975 with only short breaks) in Young Street at what was the Zodiac which then became Peppers and lately the Cambridge Bar. For many years it was a quiet spot where we could gather and mull over the previous weekend's caves and plan the next in relative solitude. A steady succession of ownership changes failed to make it successful so we remained. The latest owner has now succeeded in making it more popular. This has been, for us, at the expense of large crowds and noisy football matches on the projection and LCD TV screens. Several members have abandoned the Tuesday evening meeting as a result.

Dedicated members have been tramping the surrounding streets searching for a better venue and, at last, we think we have found one. It is the Cumberland Bar in Cumberland Street:- (http://www.cumberlandbar.co.uk/)

It is about 500 yards north of St Andrew Square and slightly closer to Waverley Station than the Cambridge - though part of that is uphill. It has plenty of seating with some outside, and an enclosed beer garden. And it doesn't have a projection TV! There are some smaller TVs, but when we tested the facilities the volume was low and they weren't obtrusive.

The Cumberland has four resident ales - Deuchars IPA, Caley 80/, Landlord and the Caledonian Brewery beer of the month plus several guest beers. They also boast of a large range of wine and whisky - blends and single malts.

To allow this information to disseminate through the membership we'll make the change on the 26th of September, though some may well start on the 19th.

See you there!