Why is the clock on this site wrong by about six hours?


francis is right - that's how you change the time offset from the default forum time, which I had forgotten to set properly. Now that I've done it you shouldn't need to do that anymore, and if you *have* changed it to 6, change it back to zero. Sorry to anyone that this puts out....

Roger W

Well-known member
I'm confused... :confused:

When it says that Graham posted his query at 06:39:25 AM today, is that 6 o'clock in the morning UK time, China time or forum time?

On second thoughts, it can't be UK time... I think it must still be around 3 o'clock in the morning in Yorkshire right now...

There's the old story of the Chinese student at an English university who was on his way to a lecture when he noticed that his watch had stopped.  So he turned to a passing member of the university staff and said "Please, sir, what is time?"

The staff member, who just happened to be the Professor of Philosophy, turned to the student and said, "Ah, young man, there you have posed a most difficult and imponderable question.."


Roger W said:
When it says that Graham posted his query at 06:39:25 AM today, is that 6 o'clock in the morning UK time, China time or forum time?

It will be 6am forum/UK time, but will be altered by the amount of offset in your profile. If your time offset is set to 0 then it would be UK time. Not sure what offset amount you should use in China - doesn't China cover several time zones anyway?


So the long the tall and the short of it is...

If your based in the UK - set your offset to 0 in your profile. If your aboad - set your offset to which ever time zone your in i.e New York will be 5 hours behind. france one hour ahead. etc etc.

Then everybodys post times will reflect how late past their bedtime they were posting.
