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Free geological journals

Joe Duxbury

The Chelsea SS library is getting rid of unwanted volumes. If anyone wants the following (or even some of the following), please let me know. Otherwise they'll go in the recycling bin.

An almost complete run of The Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, Nos. 413 (1948) to 446 (1956).
Missing copies are No. 421 (1951); No. 427 (1952); No. 431 (1953); Nos. 442 & 443 (1955/6); No. 445 (1956).
An almost complete run of the Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, Volumes 59 (1948) to 66 (1956).
Missing copies are Vol. 61, no. 4 (1950); Vol. 62, no. 2 (1951); Vol. 63, nos. 2 & 4 (1952); Vol. 64, no. 2 (1953); Vol. 65, nos. 1 & 3 (1954).
These journals originally belonged to the library of the London Speleological Group and are in fairly good condition, considering their age.

The total weight of these journals is about 12 kg. I can post them (and you will have to pay for postage) or you can collect them from me.