Agen Allwedd - Priory Road Exploration


New member
They are indeed, I was just trying to narrow the search.
Your best bet are the Chelsea log books. I would definitely have written it up in there. It was I who bolted the two avens in that area using spits (no drill in those days). I thought that I'd left them both with hangers/carabiner plus a nylon rope on the big one and electron ladder on the smaller, though it was a while ago or they may have been removed.
They were abandoned because I was last man standing; all interest had waned. I also got married which limited my availability somewhat.
Good luck in pushing that area, a Daren connection would be fantastic.


7/06/2024 - 9/06/2024: Resurvey + crowbar surprise

Afternoon all.

With another weekend over the horizon comes yet another camp at Priory Road.
This digging camp consisted of: Alex Stacey CSS, Paul Stacey CSS, Andrew Thompson CSS, David Kinzett CSS, Andrey Kozhenkov Croydon CC, Adrian Fawcett CSS. Brilliant efforts by all.

The camp was split into 3 main teams.

A resurvey of isles inlet and Aggy past Severn beach was needed following the breakthrough in Trafalgar - this was done by Andrey and Paul. This culminated in 760m ish over 11h, culminating in 10.4m ish loop closure error (not too bad given the obstacles). This will be merged with the current priory road survey and used for future leads. Very well done to the two + Dave for assisting them midway.

A team consisting of Alex and Adrian went off to push potential leads in Isles Inlet which showed results. This was done in 3 separate areas in isles inlet, with around 7-8h of digging. We also cleared the debris from Trafalgar following the last camp making it passable. Many thanks to Adrian for dealing with my constant frustration with the capping rod and the firing pins getting stuck.

Another team consisting of Andy and Dave who committed to capping and preparing the route for the round trip and the survey team alongside seeking out potential leads along the way.

All in all, the round trip is now possible by visitors. The first person to do the round trip (twice!) was Dave Kinzett. I will post a description shortly.

Yours aye,