• The Derbyshire Caver, No. 158

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Air Quality


June 12 - the warmer weather seems to be sticking around, and the pressure is dropping, all of which might, in previous years, have indicated that carbon dioxide would be building up in some of the usual places.

However, apart from one post on here giving a non-metered OK report for Nettle, I have yet to hear of any problems anywhere in the Peak. I know from personal experience that this time last year the air at the head of the Waterfall Pitch in Knotlow contained over 2% CO2 - but the preceding weather last year had been defined by much lower pressures for longer periods.

If you are caving in any of the "usual suspects" over the next few weeks, I would appreciate any reports good or bad so that I have an idea of when it starts (if indeed it does start). I'm collating all the information I can get, whether metered or not.

Please drop me an email at gasman at thedca dot org dot uk - but I will be out of the country from June 17 until July 3, so don't expect a quick reply during those dates.

Cheers - Al