Anyone know who these four might be??


Staff member
Photos posted by Inglesport on their facebook page today with the caption:

Graffiti found in Gaping Gill on the 14/01/17.
Take nothing but memories and leave only footprints.

Anyone know any more?




New member
Facebook ?
Latest trip reports for that date ?
Uni / clubs
Hopefully they are struck with bad karma for at least a year  :LOL:


Well-known member
could some clever "bca" nerd not narrow  down connor(unusual name) and jamie  m .
then contact the appropriate club to see who has visited gg. hopefully someone has already thought of this and is busy sluthing away


Active member
Interestingly ,Inglesport Facebook page where this was first reported are now getting some inappropriate posts almost condoning this ! :( 


I do find things like this interesting. There's a fascinating book by the journalist Jon Ronson called "so you've been publicly shamed" which looks at how the internet is used to administer "justice".

Perhaps clubs should have a system set-up in advance to deal with this kind of (very minor) vandalism so that we don't accidentally fuel any witch hunts. Having one individual speak with those involved would probably be the most effective way at preventing this sort of thing in a fair way.

It makes me think of the chamber in Eglwys where, along with the newer stuff, you can find >300 year old graffiti. It's absolutely amazing to think of cavers scratching their names into the rock all that time ago, and I think that there is some value to that old social history. The issue here is where and how it's been done, whilst the behaviour in the chamber in Eglwys seems to have been allowed by some consensus.

Ian Adams

Well-known member
Could I propose that a new position on UKc be created, to be known as "Investigator" ....

Could I also propose that RichardB be appointed to the said position?

The duties would include looking into vandalism and identifying culprits.

He seems to be rather good at it.




Well-known member
He's got a friend called Charlie too. He's got a Facebook photo titled "Gaping gill cave" showing him dangling on a green (dynamic) rope from the tree. Several other photos clearly of GG.


Well-known member
Hopefully, Natural England will get involved,  for it is they who are responsible for SSSI protection enforcement.
alanw said:
He's got a friend called Charlie too. He's got a Facebook photo titled "Gaping gill cave" showing him dangling on a green (dynamic) rope from the tree. Several other photos clearly of GG.

That's how I found it: a Facebook search for public photos of "Gaping Gill" had this lad's photo on the first page: look about 10 seconds to find.

Pete K

Well-known member
langcliffe said:
Hopefully, Natural England will get involved,  for it is they who are responsible for SSSI protection enforcement.
Can I suggest someone local takes some screen grabs and passes the info on to the correct authority at NE to deal with.


Well-known member
Pete K said:
langcliffe said:
Hopefully, Natural England will get involved,  for it is they who are responsible for SSSI protection enforcement.
Can I suggest someone local takes some screen grabs and passes the info on to the correct authority at NE to deal with.

I have taken some screenshots. Let's not burn them at the stake though... leaves a terrible mess.


Well-known member
Pete K said:
langcliffe said:
Hopefully, Natural England will get involved,  for it is they who are responsible for SSSI protection enforcement.
Can I suggest someone local takes some screen grabs and passes the info on to the correct authority at NE to deal with.

I've just sent an e-mail to the Reserve Manager/ Cave Conservation Adviser
I agree with Mr Gardner. This is something for Natural England and the estate managers to deal with. Perhaps to the maximum extent of the law as an example to discourage others.

Simon Wilson

New member
I don't like the tone of a lot of this. I don't know enough about this incident yet to make any sort of judgement.

Can you all say that you have never scratched on a cave wall? I know I have and it is documented in caving literature where and why I did it.

If we find out who they are I think it just might be best dealt with by giving them a friendly invitation to go caving with a club.