• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition

Autumn new-to-caving events


Well-known member
New to caving autumn 2023 sessions

Ease Gill 2 Gary Douthwaite.jpg

We are pleased to be supporting the Yorkshire Subterranean Society (YSS) and Red Rose Cave and Pothole Club (RRCPC) this autumn with the running of three ‘New to Caving’ events.
  • 2-3rd September: Two-day session hosted by YSS
  • 30th September: One-day session hosted by RRCPC
  • 4-5th November: Two-day session hosted by YSS
These are fantastic events for anyone seeking an opportunity to get involved in caving, to get a fully comprehensive introduction, to meet people in a friendly and welcoming environment and of course to have a taster session or two underground, to see what caving is really like.

Please note that these sessions are not suitable for parties, corporate events or similar.

Specifics for each event, including…
  • A rough itinerary
  • Things you need to bring
  • Requirements for attendees
  • Contact details for the organising club (for any questions)
  • Event signup
…can be found via our new to caving webpage, which is part of our training section of our website:

The CNCC is proud to promote these sessions and facilitate signup, but once this is done, we hand over to the organising club who will contact attendees and take things from there.

The Craven Pothole Club ran the first of these sessions back in February... see below for a report...

We appreciate that many readers here on UK Caving will already be experienced cavers. However, we know that many cavers may have friends who are interested in giving it a go, or your club may get contacted by novices, who perhaps you aren’t able to accommodate due to lack of time or spare equipment. In these situations, why not direct them to one of the above events as an excellent first introduction?

Photo courtesy of Gary Douthwaite
We are pleased to say that the September new-to-caving event being run by the YSS is now fully booked... that's 10 people keen to try out caving, and fingers crossed decide that they want to take things further.

The new-to-SRT sessions on 7th October and 18th November are also fully booked.

The 30th September (RRCPC) and 4-5th November (YSS) new to caving sessions have only four spaces remaining each. If you hear from anyone keen to try out caving as a hobby please point them in the direction of these sessions and let's get them fully booked too.

Future sessions?

We're really pleased by the popularity of these events and are keen to try to make new-to-caving events a mainstay of our training calendar.

We are therefore keen to hear from any clubs/groups who would like to partner with CNCC to make 2024 sessions happen. The CNCC will advertise your session, pitching at those considering caving as a hobby, rather than those wanting a one-off experience-day. We can use our online system to manage signups and collect any payment needed to cover your organising costs. Close to the event, we will hand over so the host can get in touch with attendees and communicate the logistics. We can supply any training advice or educational materials to support the session.

If you would like to host a session, please get in touch with training@cncc.org.uk to discuss.
A gentle “bump” for any clubs willing to help host a “new to caving” event that we can put on the CNCC website.

After this coming Saturday's event we don’t have any more opportunities showing on the website 😞

Ian Patrick
CNCC Training Officer
A gentle “bump” for any clubs willing to help host a “new to caving” event that we can put on the CNCC website.

After this coming Saturday's event we don’t have any more opportunities showing on the website 😞

Ian Patrick
CNCC Training Officer
YSS are looking to put some together again, and we’ll email details to you again!