Some historical context on this.
The Chert Hall traverse was bolted with Spits well over 15 years ago for training and adventurous trips. Since then it has seen a number of new Spits and 1 resin bolt (Non DCA) placed to replace worn out spits. There are a number of large drilled holes that one user used to place expansion anchors in for trips and then remove after.
The route has increased in popularity in the last few year, especially among professional cavers so I took this matter to DCA and PICA for discussion over a year ago. The DCA agreed that as recreational cavers would not use this route often, and would no doubt free climb it, that it did not qualify for resin bolts. The argument being that it would be instructors only so did not fit the ethos of the resin bolting scheme (er.. Jug Holes, Devonshire and Suicide anyone?). My concern was that as the current Spits wore out (some have) that new ones would be added, increasing the bolt rash in this area. DCA agreed that should a recommendation come from PICA to resin bolt the route, they would consider it. PICA agreed to ask the DCA to replace the Spits with resin as and when they became unsafe. That is the current state of play, no change in the Spit anchors as yet so no official request for resin.
DCRO have no opinion on this as far as I am aware only to say that they did not want any bolts placed to aid hypothetical rescues (one other argument made by some for resin here). A number of club groups use the Spits on this route to train for expedition rigging. Resin is faster to rig to for instructors but (not that I have a big head) I can rig almost as fast on Spits having done this dozens of times.
I would personally like to see resin before more Spits are placed, far better for conservation in the long run. The good spits could be pulled out and the holes reused for resin, failed spits will need core drilling or plugging up but will almost always be left there. The current Spit anchors are fine so the route is perfectly doable without any additional bolting. If they begin to wear out again then I'll be happy to champion resin over more Spits. I'll happily pay for the anchors, install and test them to EN standard myself.
There are a number of different users and varied opinions on this route but the right channels must be used. Having a drill is not licence to use it against popular opinion. I write this with 4 hats on my head - DCA officer, PICA chairman, Club caver and CIC who uses this area with clients.
My advice - leave it for now. There is a pathway already established for resin bolting in future should the will be there. Further requests for anchors should go to the DCA equipment officer.