• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition

"Boycott's Bonnet," Half Way Up Hole ,Fairy Cave Quarry

The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
Whats in a name ? I like a story when things get named. The Dickens theme in Reservoir Hole including The Frozen Deep ( The 200th anniversary of Dickens birth.)
We had a fun time digging at Quarter Way Up Hole and Half Way Up Hole linking both to Withyhill. All my names from the early 1970's. First are obvious but you might have to work out Withyhill. Covid stopped our work at FCQ just after the large chamber was found at the Half Way Up level. We kicked around a few names linking the chamber to Covid but as time passed we thought Covid was best forgotten. Our team members Pete Rose and Tony Boycott sadly died . Tony banged the choke up to the chamber. I went in first followed by Tony ,Peter Glanvill and Pete Rose. Peter Glanvill had forgotten his helmet and light and had borrowed Tony's spare light and ludicrous bonnet. So wanting to remember Tony ( Pete Rose has Roses Rift ") and also to futher embarass Peter ( almost impossible ) I have come up with " Boycott's Bonnet " for the chamber name. All the photos are from there.

Do you like Mr Trundle's Staircase and Mr Trundle's Iscream Parlour. Well both are a homage to the trundling of boulders along the Reservoir Dig that lead to TFD. A big boulder fell on Peter Glanvill elicitatng a lot of wailing and screaming so hence the second name. Also at the time I watched Mr Tumble on TV with my Grandson. Loved it.
Darren in B B

Darren and P G in B B.

Breakthrough point in B B.

Big Choke at the far end of B B . We shall return.

A bit I stuck on my club's Facebook today.

Absent Friends. Boycott's Bonnet. You never know what the future holds. Its like the cave dig. What's around the next corner ? Yes I have had my rewards going around that corner for over 60 years. I have had great mates as well. Seen here Pete Rose and Tony Boycott also another long standing pal Peter Glanvill in that wretched bonnet. ( still annoying the rest of us ). The camera plays an important part. When folk have gone what are left but memories and the images. Hope to be at Boycott's Bonnet this Saturday pm prior to the book launch. For my other pals Mike Wise and Brian Johnson. Well its my birthday today so feeling " mellow ".
Report it and a moderator can change for you
True I suppose. This forum is odd compared to others I use. Only ten minutes to edit your post. Clearly not enough time. Surely a poster should have continious editing rights. In my other forum the Photobucket image code comes up and not the image so its easy to check duplicates and delete them.
Just like " Chicken Lickin Choke " somebody came up with that luckily it became "Skyfall." One to summarise the dangerous nature of things there. Also the Bond film was out at the time. I got "Mr Trundle's I Scream Parlour" right. Never hear such a fuss. Same with "La La Land" though the significance may be forgotten now. A lot of Reservoir Hole names well described the bit of cave but was also the 200th anniv. of Charles Dickens birth. The Frozen Deep, Hard Times, Great Expectations , Dingly Dell. Never got to use Mugby Junction. Resurrection followed on from Stanton's Golgotha as did Ascension. Getting cave names right is actually not easy. I must have come up with a few over 60 years. Hated Shatter Cave but it stuck.