• CNCC Meeting Saturday 26th October, 9.30am - Clapham Vilage Hall

    Lots on the agenda including Officer vacancies:

    In 2025, our Chair, Access Officer and Treasurer are all standing down. This meeting is an opportunity for interested people to make themselves known, ask questions, or just to spectate to see what the role might involve before putting your name forward.

    Click here for more info

Boyd Potts


Well-known member
Sorry to break my long time silence with bad news;

Boyd Potts, much respected long standing Derbyshire caver and Orpneus C.C. stalwart, passed away earlier this week.
Thoughts and commiserations to Jenny at this trying time.


Well-known member
My condolences to you Jenny, really sorry to hear Boyd is no longer with us.


Well-known member
Was fortunate enough to be at swcc one evening when Boyd was telling stories of his youth. A thoroughly interesting and nice guy, a sad loss.

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Pete K

Well-known member
A great loss to caving and a thoroughly lovely chap. My condolences to Jenny and family.


Boyd was always a friendly and helpful face at SWCC and Orpheus. Condolences to Jenny, family and friends.
Good lord! Only just heard this news...what a sad sad loss...great guy...welcomed me to the Orpheus when I was just starting out caving...
Knew everyone, had been everywhere always had a story whether funny or informative and never a bad word for anyone.
I can only think of his climbing and traversing putting me to shame at half his age...
Codolences to Jenny and his family



Only met him a couple of times, but struck me as a thoroughly decent chap!

Sincere condolences to Jenny and Family. 



New member
I only met Boyd once, but he came across as a really nice bloke. My deepest condolences to Jenny and all his family and friends.

Jenny P

Active member
Many thanks for all the messages of support and condolence which have been pouring in - very much appreciated. 

Details of funeral are:

Boyd Potts
6th. June 1938 to 17th. September 2017

Funeral and Celebration of Boyd?s life is Tuesday, 10 Oct. at 2pm.  at the village church:
Christ Church, Dog Lane, Hulland Ward, Ashbourne, DE6 3EH. 

Followed by refreshments in H.W. Village Hall next door to the church - everyone is very welcome.
(Close family will go to crematorium after the service and then return to V.H.)

Please don't wear black or mourning. 

No flowers but donations in lieu to either Derbyshire Cave Rescue Organisation or Cancer Research UK.



Active member
This is such bad news......
Jenny and Boyd have been for many decades prime figures  both in Derbyshire and nationally in our caving world.....
This is really sad.... What a nice guy to say bye to......
My thoughts are with you Jenny....I can not imagine how you must fee at this time, but be assured many within our fraternity are with you with their thoughts also.....
Richard Gibson.

Jenny P

Active member
I would like to thank all Boyd's caving friends from all over Britain who came to Christ Church on 10th. October to say goodbye to him and to celebrate his life. There were so many of you there and I would have loved to be able to thank each and every one of you in person after the service but this just wasn?t possible. The many kind messages I have received have meant a great deal to me and I very much appreciate your support. Boyd gave a great deal to the caving community and I know he won?t be forgotten.  My heart felt thanks to all of you.



New member
Only just read about Boyd. So sad to hear this.

He was my Geography teacher at school and took me on many interesting field trips.  We also played badminton together and he was a true gent.

Live in Cheshire now and only saw this by chance

I'll never forget Boyd, he was a great influence on my life
