Fourteen Canadian and six UK cavers are currently at Castleguard Cave undertaking various projects, the principal of which is a dive into the sump at the end of Boon's Blunder. All will be back by April 8.
are you able to post any significant updates whilst the expedition is occurring or are we all in the dark until they've ventured back from beyond the glacier?
Yesterday Martin added 300m to last year's 500m dive, to the end of the sump and open passage. That's pretty well as predicted, based on the sump depth and average angle of Castleguard's passages. Martin was diving downstream today, but there won't be word on that, or whether he intends to redive upstream and check the dry passage tomorrow, until the UK team comes out on April 6. The last Canadians come out April 8.
Final stats: 845m long sump, emerges into dry phreatic tunnel 3m in diameter. No dry exploration undertaken. No branches in the sump and no useable downstream continuation. Everyone home from the cave today. No injuries or apparent psychological damage, tho a flu did run thru the entrance camp affectiong four or five cavers (not Martin tho, thankfully).